74) Survive. *Requested*

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*Request from TileTor34 .*

{~~ A/N: This imagine is set before Newt's incident with the wall & he hurt his leg and a picture of Newt & Teresa was the only one appropriate for this imagine so 👍 x ~~}

Tori's POV.

I was woken up just as the sun was rising by Minho. He banged on my door and waited until he could hear me stirring.

"Shuck off!" I shouted through my bedsheets.

"First day as a runner and this is your attitude, lovely."

"Crap I forgot!" I yelled as I jumped up and pushed him out of my room so I could get ready.

"I'm not running today by the way." He called through the door. When I was dressed I opened my door and asked him why. "I've done my leg in so Newt's gonna go with you instead." I felt my face burn red. I had a huge crush on Newt ever since I came up in the box and I've been told by chuck that he feels the same way about me. I tried to hide my excitement but Minho could obviously tell. "Try not to shuck him while your out there, Alby won't be very happy." I elbowed him in disgust and humour as we walked to the runners hut in the forest. Newt was stood by the door with my bag in hand, his hair was still messy from bed head.

"Ready to go?" He asked politely. His amazing cockney accent taking over me as I felt my heart and stomach flutter. I nodded and smiled lightly as we began to walk away. Minho winked at me just before we left and I'm glad Newt didn't see it. "So, are you fast?"

"Why?" I asked as a slight bit of excitement slipped out through my speech.

"Incase of the greivers." He said blankly.

"Oh... Yeah."

"Wow, girls are stupid." He laughed and I slapped his shoulder.


"Jk jk! Just a bit of friendly banter." He called with his hands up at head height. I just smiled it off considering he hadn't seen a girl in almost 4 years. We got to the Maze and ran straight into it, newt said we'd wasted enough time already. It got to about midday and we were beginning to head when we came across a part of the Maze that even Newt hadn't seen before.

"What's down there?" I asked curiously.

"I... I don't know?"

"Shall we go?" I asked while taking one step forward.

"No!" He retaliated and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.

"I thought it was your job to explore the Maze?" Newt looked at his feet. "Well you can stay here, I'm going." I walked down what seemed like a long and dark corridor but what I didn't realise that it was starting to get dark outside of the Maze.

Newt's POV.

Tori said she wanted to go down into that 'new' corridor but I told her not to. I didn't know what was down there but now that she was a runner, she was obliged to look. I waited in anticipation at the entrance to where Tori had gone. I couldn't hear her footsteps anymore and it had gotten quiet, too quiet. I felt my palms starting to sweat and I got more and more worried until I heard a large bang which made me jump. A scream echoed down the corridor followed by rapid footsteps and I knew what was happening, Tori was in trouble. I ran down the corridor but after a few steps collided with something. It was Tori.

"Run! They're coming!" She cried as I picked her up bridal style. I ran as fast as I could, checking back over my shoulder every now and then. As we reached the corridor that the gates were on I started hearing metallic clanging coming from closely behind and I knew they were close. "Greiver's! Newt, HURRY!" Tori cried weakly. I sprinted down towards the doors and began to feel the gritty wind blowing meaning that the doors were closing. We narrowly escaped but the Greiver's didn't. The door slammed shut and a crash of bodies sounded as they hit the newly formed wall.

"We did it! Tori, we-" I stopped suddenly, mid speech, to notice Tori flopped on the ground and breathing quickly and lightly. I knew something horrible was wrong. I collapsed next to her in a heap and cupped her face in my hands as tears began to form in my eyes. "Tori! Tori, please be okay! I haven't had the chance to tell you how I feel! Please!" Her breathing got even lighter. I screamed as loud as I could, trying to get a response from the Gladers. Eventually people began to notice as Zart and Winston were the first people to arrive. "Go get the Med Jacks! NOW!" I screamed to both of them. Winston ran straight away to the Medical hut to get both of the lads. They came back quickly with a stretcher in hand and gently but quickly lifted her onto it. I ran next to them as they headed for the Medical Hut. "Your gonna be fine love, I promise." She weakly stretched out her arm as her eyes fluttered open.

"I love you..." She strained.

"I love you too." I whispered back as tears began to form in my eyes. She felt the same way as me and she finally knew how I felt about her. The moment was short lived though when her eyes drooped shut once more and her head fell to the opposite side. We reached the Medical Hut and Tori was placed on the bed as I collapsed next to her while squeezing her hand so she knew I was still there but... I didn't even know if she could hear anyone anymore...

Tori's POV.

I woke up staring at a thatch ceiling while lying on a hard, wooden bed. I rolled my head to scan the room then I realised I wasn't alone. Newt was sitting next to me, asleep and clutching my left hand but I couldn't feel it. I had lost all feeling from my torso down.

"N-Newt?" I cracked and he woke up instantly. His eyes filled with tears and sorrow as he began to speak.

"Tori! Oh love, your okay! I thought I'd lost you, I thought you were gone! Please tell me your okay?..." I smiled weakly but reassuringly.

"Well I would say that if I could feel any part of my body from my torso down!"

"Oh yeah, the lads gave you some anaesthetic. You won't feel anything for a day or two but you'll be fine. It moves its way down you're body as it wears off so you'll be able to move your arms before you can walk but, at least your going to fine." I started to blush a little remembering back to what he said while I was in the stretcher.

"Did you mean what you said when you said that you love me?" He blushed a little and looked t his feet.

"Did you mean it when you said it to me?" My mouth dropped slightly.


"Do you not remember?" I shook my head and he looked at his feet, smiling while he let out a small giggle. "Well you did, and to answer your question, of course I did!" I smiled back at him and said,

"Will you come here please?" He leaned in with a big grin on his face but stopped inches away from my face. I gave him a blank look and he raised his eyebrow. "Closer you idiot." I looked down towards my lips and he finally got the gist.

"Ooooh!" He smirked and quickly connected our lips. It was gentle but lasting. I knew I was lucky to have survived whatever had happened the day before but I knew I was even luckier to have someone like Newt in my life.

----- Author's Note x -----

Well Tori, here's your imagine! I'm so glad I finally got it finished! I'm SO sorry to you and everyone else like seriously these last 2 weeks have been dreadful 😓 I've had the worst writers block EVER and also I finished year 9 last week so I was busy trying to find stuff to do with people that I'm either never going to see again or not going to see for another month and also last week my mate was here from Newcastle for the whole week because her mum and step-dad went away to Turkey (our fave holiday destination😤jealous af) for their honeymoon and didn't bother taking either of us 😭 and then on Tuesday & Wednesday I was in Newcastle then came back late Wednesday night and now JadeDavies129 is staying in my house for the next 4 days 😊 so yeah I'm kinda busy but I'm gonna be updating a lot more so don't worry!! Xxxxx thank you for all the reads these past few days and thanks for all the support even though I've been bare major innactive xx ily all! 💞💞


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