An afternoon at home!

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Nico gets the medicine, and he gives it to Mack. Mack takes it and Nico puts the mask on him. Mack closes his eyes and cuddles into Nico. Nico smiles and holds him. It is not long, and Mack is asleep. Nico gets his laptop and works on some of his case for tomorrow. It is almost twelve and he wants to order food out tonight and spend the afternoon with all three of his babies. Kaden and Torrin have been messaging him all day checking in on Mack. Nico is going to have to scold them for being on their phone at school. Mack wakes up around two and they make their way to the living room. They want to be ready to spend time with Kaden and Torrin. They will talk as they sit on the couch. 

(N) I am going to have to scold the boys. 

(M) Why?

(N) They have been texting me all day. 

(M) I know, they have been texting me all day too. Maybe you could just speak with them and highlight they need to focus more on school than texting. They have breaks and lunch. They can text during that time or if they have a free period. 

(N) Ok, we have to talk about something difficult for a minute. 

(M) Ok. 

(N) I know you love them, and they love you. It will be different with them. You can't treat them like your students. You have to treat them like your kids. They have to follow rules. If you let them get away with everything they will run all over us. I am not getting on to you or trying to scold you I just need us to be a team. 

(M) I understand that. We are a team and if you asked me to bust their ass I would do it. I might cry after it but I would do it. However, you stayed home from work today because you were worried. They have been texting all day because they are worried. This is my fault. I should have informed you I was not feeling well, and we should have gone to the doctor. I do not want them to be punished for being worried. 

(N) Ok.

(M) I am sorry.

(N) You have nothing to be sorry about. However, from now on I need to know when you do not feel well. There will be days when I come in and I will need your help. I may not be in a great mood, and I will need you to step up and try and be there a little more. There may be times when you feel the same way. We need to be able to balance each other out and make sure we stay united. They are kids at the end of the day. 

(M) Baby you are preaching to the wrong one. I know first-hand how kids can take advantage of situations. When I first started teaching no one listened to me. I would never send kids to the office or give them detention. The first time I did it, it almost broke me. However, after that they knew not to try me anymore. I am kind until you take advantage of it. I just do not see that being an issue with Kaden and Torrin yet. I think we are all in the honeymoon phase. They will get tired of me eventually and we will have our first spat. That is when we are going to need to be a team. 

(N) I promise I will have your back. 

(M) I promise you the same thing. 

(N) I still have to speak with them tonight. 

(M) How about I do it?

(N) Ok. 

(M) Thank you. 

(N) How are you feeling?

(M) I am ok. 

(N) We did not take the water pill. 

(M) Can we please wait on that?

(N) I don't think so. 

(M) I will be up all night using the bathroom. I promise I will take it in the morning. 

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