20 - Surprise!!

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I wake up from my surprisingly wonderful slumber with a weight around my waist. Bucky had draped his arms around me. It looked to be around 4 am, judging that the sun wasn't up yet.  He looks so peaceful like this- a stark difference to his usual grumpy demeanor. Ha, Stark difference... I didn't want to wake him from what looked like his first actual good night of sleep in ages, so I use my metal arm to gently pry off his hands from my waist, being extremely careful to not wake him. I got up successfully and took some time to study his room. It was pretty plain, with not many photos or decor around. There was one photo though, on his wardrobe. It was of Steve and him from their Howling Commando days. He looked so adorable, and dare I say- happy in it. I reached for my phone on his table and saw his dog-tags from the army. How did he get those back? Surely they would have been destroyed by HYDRA or something. Little did I know that Bucky had woken.
"They made new ones for me, if thats what you're wondering." He said, from the sheets.
"Oh- I uh, yeah, I was wondering that" I said, sheepishly, knowing he saw me staring at his room.
"You really need some decor in here, it feels like a hospital ward in here" I said, looking around again.
"I've never really had time to decorate so I just left it, I guess" He said, looking around too.
"I'll uh, leave you to rest I guess" I say, hastily walking to the door.
"Bye Aria" He called out, sleepily.

I decided against going back to sleep, I wouldn't be able to anyways. I thought about how Bucky said he never had time to decorate his room. An idea popped up in my head. Yup, I was going to decorate it for him. I immediately headed over to Steve's room, to get some inspiration as to what old men like and studied his room. It was very cozy, with yellow lighting and old photos of him and Bucky from the old days. It looked... like the exact opposite of what Bucky would want honestly. Bucky had always found the modern world fascinating, and being in Wakanda only made him even more curious as to what the world had nowadays. So Steve's room was a bust. I did however steal some photos from him to put up in Bucky's room. I put those away in mine, and headed towards the elevator to take me to the kitchen. As the elevator came to a stop, I heard voices from outside. Wait, were the team back already? No, they would tell me. I became highly alert, cautiously stepping out of the elevator when a pair of hands grabbed me and pulled me backwards...

I immediately elbowed them in the chest, only to hear a very familiar groan of pain come from the mysterious person.
"Oww! What the shit Aria!!" Sam's voice rung from the floor. I turn around to see the others all laughing at Sam's pain.
"You- you guys are back??" I said, excitedly, but with a hint of something else. Disappointment. I thought they would be back later, so me and Bucky could bond a bit more.
"Surprise!!" Clint yelled.  I pushed the thought aside and ran to hug them all and ask about how the mission went. After around an hour of chatting, I went into the kitchen to make a big breakfast for all of them. A few minutes later, Wanda came in to help.

"No, Wands, go sit, you've had a big mission" I said, telling her off. She shook her head definitely and said,
"I've missed cooking for everyone, and I wanna catch up with you." She grabbed the spoon from my hand, as I was currently making waffle batter and began mixing. I put my hands on my hips and sighed. There was no changing her mind.
"Sooo, you and Barnes, alone, for a long time" She teased and my eyes widened.
"Wha- Wanda! Nothing happened! I hate-" I stopped myself. I couldn't bring myself to say 'hate' to him anymore. Wanda caught onto my sudden halt of speech and raised her eyebrows.

"You what him? Finish your sentences Aria." She said, grinning. I gave her a look.
"Okay, just tell me the truth, I know you don't hate him anymore. So what do you feel for him?" She asked, trying to pry as discreetly as possible. I sighed, knowing she wouldn't let this go.
"I- I" I sighed. Am I really about to say this? About the man who I had a strong hatred towards, and made it very known? I took a breath. Some way or another I would have to say it, or she'd just read my mind.
"I like him" I finally spat out after ages of thinking. I looked to the floor, missing the gigantic grin on her face. She squealed,
"I knew it!! I knew this time together would be a great bonding experience" she grinned, dropping the spoon from her hand. I looked up at her and rolled my eyes.
"Just, shut up about it, okay? You can only tell Nat, and thats it." I said, with no room for arguments. She grinned and said,
"Promise. But you know you gotta tell him sometime right? He probably feels the sam-" She was cut off by me shutting my ears and going "La la la la la la la" all the way out the room. She laughed at my childish antics and continued on cooking after I had left.

sorry for not updating!! I was just too excited to get down my ideas in my Oneshots book (which you should totally check out btw, its called Buckshot :D)

i will write the next part either today or sometime this week and you can hold me to it !!

PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT TO SHOW UR SUPPORT LOVES (also gives me more motivation to update, i only updated bc of Lillieburke 's comment so thank her guys 😭)

- ari xoxo *mwah* 😘 

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