Ross Lynch

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It was raining and thundering outside and I was home alone while my mom and dad went out to visit my aunt in the hospital but it looks like they're stuck there I heard a knock on the door and I opened it quickly thinking it was my mom "Ross?!?"I said shocked

"What are you doing out in the rain?!? Come in cone in"I pull him in "Im moving to Atlanta first thing in the morning "He started as we sat on the couch side by side "I wanted to tell you that--" " (y/n) I love you "He smiled with hope in his eyes

"I-i love you too Ross"I hug him tightly and he groans in pain "what's wrong?" I look down and see blood I glare up at his face that was hurt and in pain I ripped his shirt off that was bloody his side was cut I layed him down and ran for alcohol and a first aid kit I cleaned him up and kneeled down on the side of the couch near him "Ross"
"Can I k-" he leaned to me and placed a soft kiss on my cheek "You need to rest "I said covering him with a blanket

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