Emi imagine-Date night( part two)

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When you arrived at the restaurant everyone stared at you and complimented yall on how yall are so cute together smiles came from everyone even a grumpy kid turned once to look at you and his whole attitude changed when you were seated ross kept staring at you and you felt nervous
"Wh-what? Is this too much makeup..- sorry I talk alot when im nervous. ...omg sorry again uh this is awkward im so-"

"Emi calm down" he laughed
"Its just that youre so gorgeous I can't believe I finally found my princess" He said with honesty in his eyes

"Ha thanks, cant believe someone like you , likes me....for me"You whispered the last part

"What do you mean" He asked

"I mean...like no one ever likes me for me they call me...weird and creepy I dont deserve none of this" You spoke up

"Emi anyone is lucky to have you, youre an amazing person" He said

Before you could protest the waiter came by to take your order "Hello, my name is Courtney im gonna be your waitress , what would yall fine couple like to order" She said sounding country

"Oh um we havent quite figured out.."Ross said

She nodded and left off skating to another table "Emi im worried "He said

"Just drop it" You said taking a look at the menu

After you two ordered and ate your food ross took you somewhere else "Suprise number 1 " He said as you both pulled up at lake the shimmering of the moon made it so beautiful the lake was peaceful .

Music started to play and ross took your hand and started dancing with you "Emi I really like you" He said

"I...like you too its just it seems like a dream" You said

"Youre my dream girl" He said he pulled you in close and you layed your head down as you both danced the night away

This is part 2 of the date um...it sucks but you know I suck I tried soUM Bye

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