Ross Lynch

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You were out shopping with your best friend , you seen Ross and got nervous because he's your crush you hide behind your best friend as you stare at him your best friend caught your eye and followed it to Ross she smiled evily and yelled "HEY ROSS! OVER HERE!!" She laugughed

You immediately jumped behind a clothes rack hiding under iy "Hey (Y/N)"Ross bent down

You sighed and climbed from under it embarrassed "Hi Ross" You smiled

He smiled and motioned towards the rack "Having fun under there?" He asked you laughed as he joined

"I know you like me"

You went still as your heart beat and sweat begin forming on your head "Um..I-I...-Ross...-"

"Shhh" he laughed
"I like you too" He smiled your nervousness passed over and he kissed your cheek

Sorry 4 not updating recently just bored all the time so plz vote IG and kill me

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