Ross lynch

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Ross took your hands in his soft and warm ones he smiled at you like youd smile at a cute puppy.
"Come on"He gently pulled you towards the entrance of the carnival
" i love carnivals....especially the ferris wheel
"You wanna go on it?"He asked with a cute smile

"No i want to eat some food first"You scanned every food stand until you seen the Cotton Candy stand
"Cotton candy?"He smirked
"Yep"You nodded with a smirk

"Beat you to it"He took off running
You ran as fast as you could

After eating pretzels and carmel apples
You went on the ferris wheel like twice
It was fun
Sadly the carnival was closing so you rode on more time
At the very top....
Ross leaned it closer and kissed you
It felt amazing in every single way
His dirty  blonde hair blew in the wind which made him even cuter
"Youre so cute"You smiled at him
"Boop"You laughed touching his nose with one finger just as he scrunched it

The carnival closed, and
Ross took you home "i had fun"You giggled
"Lets do this again some time "He smirked
"Yea and kiss again some time"You joked
He laughed
"Bye gorgeous"He winked

Update and also a new book cover

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