Ross Lynch

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You was jamming to R5 when your mother came in with a surprise birthday present and a cake you were excited and start squealing in excitement she had a big purple polka dot bag and a small bag to the cake was big and vanilla "HAPPY BIRTHDAY " She yelled followed by your bff, big sister,  grandma, friends and family
You smiled and paused the song "Thank you mother"You hugged her tight then your bff then your big sister who was in college them your grandma

Music was playing, and it was fun
"Happy birthday bestie" Your bff said sitting yout gift down on the table
"Youre finally (age)"She said
"I know i feel old yet young"You laughed.

You danced. Played games.
When time came for the gifts everyone crowded around the table. The first present was from your grandma he got you a nail polish kit was which was really cute and glittering which you really like. Your big sister got you some makeup  and some new shoes and a bow shaped necklace.  Your best friend got both of you and show that said that's my best friend with a pointer to the right she also got to you some body wash, perfume, lotion, and a jewelry  holder and gave you $20.
As you open everyone else is present your mother was the last president was in a big purple polka dot bag.
You smell like your mother said that before you even opened it you begin opening it and a small box came out there was also a bed comforter but the biggest thing in there was TWO TICKETS  to see R5 you almost fainted
"MOMMY!! Thank you so much omg i love you thank you!!!"You squeezed her tight
" I love you too"
Everyone begin clapping everyone sing you happy birthday you blow out your candle and make your wish and ate cake and ice cream

"WE'RE GOING TO SEE R5"You jumped in excitement to your befriend
"And meet them too"She said
"Huh?" "Did you read thr back? Its back stage passes"She explained

"Even better"You smiled

Just quick update

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