Imagine 4 Emi - Date night

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It was Friday morning you got ready for school and ate brekfast.

"Hey wassup" Ross said giving you a smile worth to die for when all of your friends and Ross's friends crowded around you, you knew something was up and started smiling at everyone nervously "Whats going on" You asked glaring at everyone for answers one of Ross friends nudged him and he started to get nervous but eventually spoke

"Emi...ive kinda liked you for a long time and..."He paused unsure what to say , you started blushing and knew where this conversation was leading

"uh sorry...I was trying to sa-"

"Dont be sorry I find it kinda cute " You giggle he smiled and bravely said

"Emi will you go on a date with me?" He smirked with hope feeling his eyes

"Of course" Then you both hugged as people applauded and cheered

~Saturday Night~

You started getting ready applying red lipstick to match your read dress you had some black flats with a bow and long curly hair (I guessed) that matched perfect then applied a little makeup, you smiled at the mirror and took a selfie sending it to your best friend

The door bell ring and you automatically shot down stairs opening the door "Wow Emi you look beautiful" Ross said checking you out you couldn't help but blush
"Thanks you dont look so bad yourself" You giggled he took your hand and led you to the limousine and off to the most fancy and expensive restaurant you'd ever go to....

The End

This was lame asf but at least I tried lol it might end here or I might make a part two of this never know catcha later


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