Ross Lynch

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You were at planet fitness working out on the treadmill after 20 minutes of running water to you sounded good "Hey"Ross said from behind you

"Hey" You smiled
"You workout here?" You inquired
"Well these guns do work itself out"He flexed

You laughed. "Funny"
"Hey ive been wanting to ask you something"He gulped

"Well we both like body buidling,-"

"I never implied i like body building but you right, you right" You both laughed
"Anyways i was wondering if you wanna hang out?"He stated

"Sorry, i dont have time none this month im sorry, i have track practice, then a track meet, i come here everyday, my grandma needs help around the ho-"
"Look its okay"He smiled
"Dont get me wrong though i really like you"You kissed his cheek
"Sorry"You walked off
After workingout you went home you couldn't stop thinking about him it took alot for you to call him at 11pm
"Hello?" He answered aftet 2 rings

"You still up for that hang out tomorrow?" You asked.
"Really?"You could hear the change in his voice from sleepy to totally focused

"Hell yea im crazy about you"You laughed

"Meet me at 11am the whole day to ourselves"He said
You both couldnt say goodbye last so you hung up at the samr time

Best. Day. Evert

Not a good one but here yo go :)

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