Ross Lynch -Carnival

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You unbuckled your seat belt impatiently rushing to the gates of the towns carnival with your best friend and her boyfriend you payed and went straight for the cotton candy and grabbed a blue one with a corn dog and mustard
"Woah (Y\N) slow down haha " Your best friend joked arms entangled with her boyfriend "We are gonna go ride the ferris wheel"She ran off while you sat down consuming your corn dog
"Its good, isn't it?" A male voice said behind you covering your eyes

"Who is this" You asked

"Haha its me....Ross" He said sitting down 

Your heart sped up , butterflies fluttered inside your stomach and you stared to twirl your hair


"You wanna ride the ferris wheel I have a secret"

"Oooo secrets I like them....but I'm scared of heights" You whined

"No ferris wheel...No secret telling " He laughed

"Do we have to?" You pouted like a baby

"Yes come on I got your back" He promised sitting my food down and pulling toward the line
When we sat down yall gentley rocked then yall started moving you seen your bff six carts away behind you

The wheel started moving and once you got half way to the top he stared at you
"Ok my secret is.....I like you" He said the last part low and confident

Pause life

I  must he dreaming


"Re-Really?" You stutter nervously

"Who wouldn't like you? I've liked you along time never had the time to tell you and your bff she told me you were gonna be here" He smirked

" you too...alot" You said

"Be mine?"
"Of course"

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