-Ross Lynch Fire

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You and Ross were playing board games in front of the fireplace .

"This hot chocolate is it" You spoke taking another sip of it

"I know, i made it with a special ingredient"He responded

"Really? Whats that?"You requested
"Love"He smiled then kissed you on the cheek

"What was that?"You joked
"A kiss"He said

"No, this is a kiss"You took him by the face with both hands and pulled his face towards yours kissing him no longer then 10 seconds

"Wow, that was a kiss"He smirked

"Lets finish this game"You suggested


"And i won"You cheered
"Won by luck"He joked

"Nope youre just mad i got skills "You laughed getting up

Rosa immediately tackled you on the couch and started tickling you

"Hahahahaha stop. Noooo stop!hahahah"You tried not to laugh


"That was complete torture "You said
"Im sorry not"he responded

You ruffled his hair
"Ah! I love my hair"He swatted your hand
"Ouchie"You made a sad face

You jumped on him
Messed his hair up more, tickled him, kissed him,  tickled him more, playfully hit him,kissed him more, ruffled his hair.

"I love your silliness "You smiled
"I love your everything"
"I love your hair man its seriously so soft" You giggled
"Your lips are softer"He kissed you


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