Ross Lynch

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You were sitting out by the lake one night , it was chilly and you had on a sweater , you felt alone and cold staring out in the distance as the sunset was ending foot steps occurred and you slightly turned around looking behind you and there stood Ross he smiled lightly " Hi' You said he sat next to you " Hi..." he said you shivered as the cold breeze whipped past your cheek " You cold? Here take my jacket" He wrapped his jacket around your body scooting closer at that moment you didn't care you just wanted to be comforted .

You rested your head on his shoudlder and he wrapped his arms around your body holding you closer in a silence he finally spoke "Can I ask you something?" He asked

" yes"You mumbled listeing closely

" love me?" He asked at that moment you looked up at him into his beautiful eyes " Because I love you" He finished off
You smiled amazed and kissed him " I do love you" You smiled

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