my girl is mad at me, i hope i die.

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my girl is mad at me, i hope i die.


yoichi isagi had been following you around the house like a lost puppy, his apologies and explanations coming in a steady stream. “i’m sorry,” he’d say, over and over, each time you walked past him, hoping for some acknowledgment. but you were resolutely ignoring him, your frustration palpable.

he sighed heavily as he sank onto the couch, looking dejected. his usually bright demeanor was dimmed by the weight of your silence.

moments later, you emerged from your room looking fresh and ready to go out. your outfit—a skirt and stockings—highlighted your figure, your thighs, and yoichi’s eyes widened with a mix of surprise and longing. just as you were about to step out, he leaped off the couch, carried you, and pulled you onto his lap, his hands firmly securing your thighs.

“please, i’m really sorry,” yoichi pouted, leaning in close. “let me kiss you.”

his lips moved toward yours, but you pushed him back gently, shaking your head. he tried again, leaning in with determination, but once more, you pushed him away. each attempt was met with your firm resistance, and yoichi’s frustration grew.

desperate and determined, yoichi finally laid you down on the couch, his body hovering over yours. his expression was a mixture of pleading and earnestness.

“i’m sorry!” he said, his voice breaking slightly. “please forgive me. kiss me?”

his eyes searched yours with a hopeful desperation. despite your initial resistance, the sincerity in his voice and the vulnerability in his gaze began to chip away at your frustration.

“you really don’t understand, do you?” you said softly, your anger beginning to wane.

“i do now,” he murmured against your lips. “and i'm sorry. kiss me?”


you walked into the living room, still fuming from the argument you had with sae. as you entered, your eyes widened at the sight of him enjoying the last cookie—your cookie. the irritation you felt from the earlier argument was only intensified by this minor yet significant act of betrayal.

you muttered something under your breath, turning on your heel and heading toward the door. the tension in the air was thick, and sae watched you with a mixture of guilt and frustration.

moments later, the doorbell rang. you answered it to find the delivery guy holding a bag. he handed it to you, explaining that it was prepaid. you glanced inside, seeing a variety of snacks, cookies, and—curiously—condoms. when you asked who ordered it, the delivery guy simply said it was for sae.

with annoyance, you took the bag and tossed it onto the sofa, where sae was sitting. he immediately grabbed your arm, pulling you toward him with a sudden urgency.

you landed on top of him, your face inches from his. the intensity of the situation made you even more aware of the tension between you. sae’s hands traveled up to your sides, making their way to your ass, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the previous forcefulness.

“i didn't realise you wanted that cookie. will you not forgive me?” sae murmured, his eyes searching yours for any sign of softness. his hands moved lower, brushing against your thighs.

“why should i?” you replied, your voice edged with defiance.

sae sighed, his frustration mingling with the desire to make things right. “because i’m trying. i’m really trying to show you that i care. just…let me prove it.”

he leaned in closer, his lips inches from yours, his gaze intense. “please, forgive me.”


the moment you moved from one room to another in the house, rin itoshi was right behind you. he trailed after you silently, his frustration growing with each step as you continued to ignore him. he tried to catch your eye, to offer a word or a touch, but you remained resolutely distant.

no matter where you went—into the kitchen, then the living room, then back to the hallway—rin followed, his presence a constant shadow. his attempts to bridge the gap between you seemed to be failing, and the tension in the air grew thicker.

it was when you turned with a "hmph" when finally, rin’s patience snapped. he stepped forward, grabbing you by the waist with a firm grip. before you could react, he lifted you off your feet and carried you toward the bedroom. his steps were determined, his jaw clenched with a mix of anger and desperation.

once inside the bedroom, he laid you down on the bed, his body hovering over you. his eyes burned with a fierce emotion, a rare display of vulnerability and frustration.

“i’ve done it!” rin’s voice cracked with intensity. “i’ve apologized a million fucking times. i’m sorry, goddammit. just forgive me already!”

the raw emotion in his voice was unmistakable. his face was close to yours, his eyes searching for any sign of forgiveness or understanding. despite your lingering anger, his forcefulness and the sincerity behind his words began to pierce through your defenses.

you looked up at him, stunned by the abruptness of his actions and the depth of his plea. his usual calm demeanor was replaced with a desperate need for reconciliation.

“i…rin,” you started, but he cut you off, his tone softening as he continued to hold your gaze.

“i’m tired of this,” he said quietly, his voice now filled with a pleading tone. “i need you to see that i care. i want to make things right. please, just tell me what i need to do.”


you were lounging on the sofa, flipping through tv channels, when kaiser walked in, holding a beautifully arranged plate of your favorite food. he had gone all out, dressing the dish with care and placing it on the coffee table in front of you.

you barely glanced at the plate, your attention fixed on the tv. kaiser’s face fell slightly, but he tried to stay upbeat.

“hey,” he said, trying to catch your attention. “i made your favorite. i thought it might help.”

you continued to ignore him, switching channels with a sigh. kaiser’s smile faltered, and he set the plate aside, clearly hurt by your response.

taking a deep breath, he suddenly dropped to his knees in front of you, his eyes filled with a mix of frustration and desperation. the shift in his demeanor was striking, and your eyes widened in surprise.

“i’ve already apologized so many times!” kaiser’s voice cracked with emotion. “what do you want me to do? kill myself? is that what you want?”

his words came out in a rush, but seeing the sadness in your eyes, he quickly realized how harsh they sounded. he quickly amended his statement, his voice trembling slightly.

“i won’t do it,” he said, more gently. “don’t you dare think that.”

he reached out, taking your hand in his, his grip firm but reassuring. “i’m here, and i’m trying. i just need you to give me a chance to show you that i’m serious about making things right.” he says kissing your ankles.

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