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the bell above the door of the quaint little bookstore jingles softly as you and karasu step inside. the warmth of the shop envelopes you both, a stark contrast to the cool breeze outside. rows upon rows of books stretch out before you, each one a potential new adventure, a fresh burst of knowledge just waiting to be discovered.

your eyes light up instantly. “look at all these books...!” you exclaim, already making a beeline for the nearest shelf. he follows behind, hands in his pockets, a small smirk playing on his lips as he watches you dive headfirst into your literary paradise.

“you know,” you say, pulling out a self-help book with a particularly vibrant cover, “i’ve heard so many good things about this one! it’s all about improving your mindset and staying positive. i think it’s going to be super helpful, especially with everything going on lately.”

karasu hums in response, his gaze drifting to the title of the book. “you really believe in all that self-help stuff, huh?” he asks, a teasing edge to his tone.

“of course i do!” you reply, undeterred by his teasing. “these books are like having a personal coach right there on the page. they’re full of advice and strategies that actually work if you put them into practice.”

he raises an eyebrow, amused. “and how many of these ‘coaches’ do you have on your shelf now?”

you pause, counting in your head. “well, this one will make…maybe thirty?” you admit sheepishly, but the enthusiasm in your voice is impossible to miss.

karasu chuckles. “and you’ve read all of them?”

“most of them!” you defend, clutching the book to your chest. “i’m working my way through them. but they’re all so fascinating, and there’s always something new to learn.”

as you move from shelf to shelf, karasu follows, occasionally picking up a book here and there, but mostly just watching you with that same fond smirk. you can tell he’s not really listening to the details of what each book is about, but that doesn’t bother you. just having him there, letting you yap about your latest literary discoveries is more than enough.

eventually, you make your way to the checkout counter with a small stack of books in hand. karasu reaches over, taking them from you before you can even protest. “i’ll carry these,” he says simply, and you can’t help but feel a flutter in your chest at the small, thoughtful gesture.

“thank you,” you say softly, following him out of the store.

back home, you waste no time in getting your new books settled on your shelf. you’ve got a specific system, one that karasu has probably heard about a hundred times by now, but you can’t help but explain it to him again as you arrange the books.

“this one goes here, with the other mindset books, and this one is more about habits, so it goes next to the others like it,” you explain, your voice animated as you speak. “and this one… oh, i can’t wait to read this one! it’s all about productivity and how to maximize your time. i think it’s really going to help me get organized.”

karasu watches you from his spot on the couch, his head tilted slightly as he listens. he doesn’t say much, just nods or hums occasionally, but you can tell he’s genuinely paying attention.

“you know, you’re basically a walking library,” he teases, his tone light as he watches you fuss over the placement of each book.

you turn to him with a playful pout. “hey, don’t make fun of my system. it keeps me organized.”

he snorts, leaning back. “sure, organized. or just giving you an excuse to buy more books.”

you stick your tongue out sheepishly before plopping down beside him, a satisfied sigh escaping your lips. “so, what do you think?” you ask, turning to face him.

“i think you’re a total nerd,” he replies, deadpan, but the warmth in his eyes betrays the affection behind the words.

you laugh, “i know i know.”

he rolls his eyes as he reaches out, brushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear. “you know, you can yap to me about your books anytime you want,” he says, his voice soft.

your heart swells at his words. “even if it’s about the thirty-first self-help book i’ve bought?”

“even then,” he confirms, his tone teasing but sincere.

you smile, leaning into his side, your head resting against his shoulder. “you’re the best,” you mumble, already flipping open one of your new books. karasu wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer as he reaches for another book from your stack, flipping it open with mild curiosity.

as the evening wears on, the two of you sit there, the silence only broken by the occasional sound of a page turning or you excitedly pointing out an interesting passage. eventually, you drift off, the words blurring together as sleep overtakes you.

karasu notices when your breathing evens out, the book slipping from your grasp. gently, he takes it from you, setting it aside before pulling a blanket over you. “you can yap all you want,” he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “i’m listening.”

and with that, he settles back beside you, your head resting on his shoulder, content to let the quiet warmth of your presence fill the room as he flips through the pages of your latest obsession.

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