
891 14 1

[prompt 6]

the last time sae fought with you was long back. just like every couple. it happens, as it sometimes does, nothing surprising, nothing unhealthy. this afternoon stood different, however. as he halted himself mid way, incase the passive-aggressive tones would escalate into yellings or more or worse.

now as he was zoned out at the grocery store. the elderly cashier, who was intently scanning items at her register, she likely wouldn't pass judgement on him. it was late, after all, and the store was relatively quiet. with this moment of quiet, he allowed himself to ponder the fight that occurred. and he realises that he did the right to halt his words midway. he's glad he shut his mouth. he knows he should do it often.

despite the painful awkward silence that lingered in the afternoon—all due to his mistake—he considers himself lucky. as you, still accepted a kiss on the cheek before he stepped out, and this memory quickly pushed away the recollection of the fight from his mind. his thoughts now dwelled on this brief, tender moment with you, and he yearned for more. he wanted to kiss you more. everywhere his lips desired.

as if someone slapped him to consciousness, he shakes his head, adjusting the cap on properly. like any typical boyfriend, he grabs the snacks you like. some new ones in stock he assumes you would like. and the condoms he had been starting at subconsciously for the past few minutes. if maybe not an apology or snacks, there's gotta be a third way or more to woo you.

your initial response after seeing the bag with snacks was to reach out and grab them. your attempt to do so prevented by sae who swiftly moved the bag out of your reach. telling you to at least let him in first and that the bag may or may not be heavy for you to carry. gently giving your head a little bonk—which you initially got annoyed at, not knowing it was a little excuse for him to have your undivided attention—before taking his shoes off and stepping in.

he places the bags on the kitchen table, you immediately grabbing onto the snacks you desired. sae questioned you if you're heading to bed, noticing you wearing comfy clothes, not forgetting to notice them looking undeniably cozy, just perfect for snuggling. and you told him you, were indeed heading to bed, as you set your desired snacks aside and helped placing the other once in their respective places. placing the energy drinks in the fridge, completely ignoring when sae nagged at you about you skipping dinner.

it was his time to ignore you when you kept telling him not to order food. his phone snatched right after he dialed three digits. it was his turn to get annoyed as well, grabbing onto your wrist tightly and pulling you closer. his mind diving into the gutter deeper if possible. just a little closer and he'd have the kiss he yearned. and you waited for it too, half out of anxiety and half out of—cause maybe you yearned to give him the affection that he craved for so long. but instead, he simply snatches his phone back, keeping in mind to not cross the boundaries. but he's a bit selfish too. still holding onto your wrist and keeping you closer. until distraction in the form of the pack of condoms fall from the bag.

you're not looking at him, he's doesn't really have more courage to keep staring at you. but he already assumed what you might be thinking. he assumed you were thinking of his audacity to...

you shove him away. grabbing onto the two chocolate bars as you head to the bedroom while sae reminds he's still gonna order food. and he lets out the most heart-wrenching sigh any living creature has ever made.

sae sees you eating the chocolate bars while being in the bed. considering if he should nag at you or make a lame joke about getting ants in the bed. he decides to shut up instead. thinking that yeah, that's probably the better thing to do.

you're already lying on your side when sae plops on the bed beside you. putting an arm around your waist as he pulls you in closer, he apologizes. yes. itoshi sae says sorry. you let out a deep breath, him feeling you resisting the urge to push his hand away.

he makes you turn to face him. his voice seeming much bold and stricter only for him to go dead silent when you do so. eyes shamlessly falling onto your lips. and oh how he wanted to have those handsy make-out sessions. which were pretty rare, only making his mind wander even more with other naughty possibilities.

he takes your hand in his instead. kissing on the cold knuckles as says sorry again. placing more kisses on your fingertips while repeatedly apologizing.

and the soft features you had on while looking at him soon turned into annoyed once. yet again. as you scold him. pointing all the mistakes he made. which he only agrees with, repeating that he knows. he knows.

"i know. and im sorry. can i kiss you now?"

and you give in. telling him yes but man the time wasn't on his side. and the doorbell with the awaiting delicious meal never sounded more frustrating.

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