isagi, sae, rin, kaiser

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the shy girl says she loves you!


you felt a sense of peace being with isagi, walking hand in hand as the sun set. however, underneath, a turmoil of emotions brewed within you.

you came to a halt, unable to take another step. you looked down, your heart pounding so loudly that you feared he might hear it. isagi immediately noticed your change in demeanor and turned to face you, concern etched on his features. "hey, what's wrong?" he asked softly, his voice full of worry.

taking a shaky breath, you mustered the courage to speak. "i love you," you whispered, so quietly that you weren't sure if he heard you. his eyes widened in surprise, and his jaw dropped slightly. he stepped closer, his hands moving to your shoulders, grounding you. you looked up at him, seeing the shock mirrored in his eyes, and suddenly you couldn't stop the words from pouring out.

"i'm so sorry, yo-chan," you began to ramble, your voice filled with anxiety. "this wasn't how i planned to say it. this wasn't the right time. i didn't mean to blurt it out like this—"

isagi tightened his grip on your shoulders, his eyes never leaving yours. "baby...say it again," he said, his voice a mixture of awe and desperation.

you blinked, momentarily thrown off by his request. "what?"

"please, say it again. please," he begged.

overwhelmed with embarrassment, you pulled away from his grip, your hands flying up to cover your face. "i can't," you mumbled, your voice muffled by your hands. "i'm so embarrassed."

isagi watched you for a moment, his expression softening with understanding. he gently took your wrists and pulled your hands away from your face, holding them securely in his own. "hey, it's okay," he said softly, his voice soothing. gently he placed a quick kiss on your cheek, "i love you too."


you were in sae’s room, sitting on his bed as you watched him do push-ups. you could tell he was mad about something, the tension in his muscles reflecting his frustration.

as you sat on the edge of the bed, you found yourself caught in your own turmoil. you wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in your throat. finally, you took a deep breath and—"" but you trailed off, suddenly unsure of how to continue. sae, noticing your hesitation, finished his set and got up, walking over to you with a determined stride.

without warning, he hovered over you, making you lay flat on the bed with him on top of you. his gaze was intense as he looked down at you, his expression full of frustration.

“ ‘i love’ what?” he asked, his voice firm and demanding. your eyes widened as the blood rushed to your face. you covered your face with your hands in embarrassment, but sae quickly pinned your wrists above your head, his grip firm yet gentle. “finish it,” he said, his tone a mix of insistence and softness.

you stayed silent, unable to meet his gaze. the weight of the moment pressed heavily on you, and the words remained trapped in your throat. sae’s eyes softened slightly as he held you in place, waiting for you to speak.

after a moment, he let out a deep sigh, releasing your wrists gently. “it’s okay,” he said quietly, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “you don’t have to say it if you’re not ready.”


rin sat on your bed, arms crossed, his gaze locked on your plushie with an intensity as if the teddy that gets to cuddle you every night is responsible for everything.

you entered the room, balancing a bowl of chopped fruits. without a word, you sat down in front of him, feeling the weight of the moment. rin’s eyes followed your every move, his frustration palpable.
“you know,” rin began, his tone sharp but restrained, “you’re testing my patience. you really are.”

you tilted your head, confused by his sudden shift in mood.

rin’s jaw tightened as he continued, “it’s not that hard. just say it.”

your confusion deepened as you tried to understand his words.

rin’s eyes bore into you, his frustration mingled with an earnest plea. “say how you feel. i've been waiting for you to confess, and I’m tired of hearing about your crushes on everyone but me.”

the tension in the room was almost unbearable. you swallowed hard, looking away, averting your gaze. the pressure making it difficult to think clearly. “i didn’t realize—”

“just say it,” rin cut you off, his voice firm but laced with vulnerability. “i need to hear it.”

and when you do, he says it too.

reaching out, taking your hand in his, as he pulled you closer, the earlier frustration melted away, replaced by a tender embrace. the bowl of fruits lay forgotten as you wrapped your arms around each other, the weight of rin’s patience and your confession dissolving into a shared moment of closeness and understanding.


you sat on the edge of the bed, your arms crossed tightly over your chest. michael kaiser, who was lounging beside you, being persistent, his voice full of frustration.

"come on," he said, leaning closer "just say it. i’ll let you play with my hands if you say so. and i promise i won’t tease."

you shifted uncomfortably, your gaze fixed on the floor. his offer was tempting: you loved playing with his hands. tracing the intricate crown tattoo on the back of his hand, brushing your thumb over his fingers, it was soothing. but admitting your feelings out loud was something you couldn’t seem to muster the courage for.

"michael…" you mumbled, your voice barely a whisper.

"please?" he prodded gently. "i’m waiting."

taking a deep breath, you finally looked up at him. the intensity in his eyes made your heart race. "i love you," you said, your voice trembling slightly as you spoke the words you’d been holding back.

the instant the words left your lips, michael’s expression changed to ecstatic. without hesitation, he tackled you onto the bed, his arms wrapping around you in an enthusiastic embrace. you both fell onto the mattress, his laughter and joy mingling in the air.

"i love you too," he said, his voice muffled against your skin as he peppered your face with kisses.

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