Chapter 19

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Sahil enters Vanya's room just as she steps out of the bathroom. He stops in his tracks, mesmerized by her beauty. Vanya is wearing the black sari, looking absolutely stunning, but it's clear she hasn't tied it properly.

Sahil: Wowwwww ...

Vanya: It's not tied correctly... I don't know how to wear a sari..

Sahil is still staring at her, captivated as if he's never seen someone so beautiful before. Vanya, feeling shy, lowers her gaze and starts walking toward him, but suddenly, half of her sari unravels. Panicked, Vanya turns away from Sahil, her back to him.

Vanya: Sahil, please leave... My sari is coming undone... How am I going to fix this?

Sahil moves closer to her and gently hugs her from behind. Vanya's breath quickens at his touch.

Vanya: Sahil, please, you need to go. I don't want you to see me like this...

Sahil: Shhh... Don't say anything... Just listen to me...

Sahil softly kisses her neck, making Vanya's breath hitch even more.

Sahil: Darling, I told you before that I would never force you to do anything until you fully know me. But right now, you need my help, and I haven't seen anything-I've had my eyes closed this whole time. I'll only truly look at you the day you're mine...

Vanya turns to face Sahil and sees that his eyes are indeed closed.

Vanya: Sahil, you can open your eyes now. How will you help me if you keep them shut?

Sahil gives a small smile and opens his eyes, looking directly into hers.

Sahil: Vanya, I promise I won't look anywhere else-I'll only look into your eyes...

Vanya blushes, and Sahil carefully helps her adjust the sari. As he does, Vanya's heartbeat races uncontrollably.

Sahil: Vanya... (while fixing the sari)

Vanya: Yes...? (lost in him)

Sahil: I'm sorry.

Vanya: Why are you apologizing?

Sahil: Because I made you feel uncomfortable...

Vanya: Sahil, there's something I need to tell you today.

Sahil: But Vanya-

Vanya places her hand over his mouth, silencing him.

Vanya: Shhh... Be quiet. You're always the one talking, but today, it's my turn. How could you think that I felt uncomfortable? Sahil, I love you so much, and you know, whenever you're near me, I don't feel uncomfortable-I feel safe and understood. I'm proud to say that I love you because you respect not just me but every woman. Men like you are rare in this world today... I'm truly lucky that after my parents, you're the one who loves me so much...

Vanya starts to cry as she speaks.

Sahil: Vanya, why are you crying, sweetheart?

Vanya: I'm crying because I never imagined that someone could love me this much... I'm really so lucky...

Tears continue to fall from Vanya's eyes.

Sahil: Vanya, can I ask you for something?

Vanya: I belong to you completely-you don't need to ask for permission. You have every right...

Sahil moves even closer to Vanya, placing his hand under her chin, lifting her face up to his. Vanya closes her eyes, anticipating his next move.

Sahil leans in, moving his lips toward hers. Vanya's heartbeat grows even faster, the room falling into complete silence except for the sound of their breaths. Just as he's about to kiss her, Arav shifts slightly, kissing the tears beneath her eyes instead.

He then looks at Vanya.

Vanya: Sahil??

Sahil: Yes, baby, look, I've kissed away your tears. From now on, let's make a deal.

Vanya: What kind of deal...?

Sahil: All your sad moments will be mine... all your problems will be mine... all your stress will be mine... but all your happiness will be yours... all the fun will be yours, all the good moments will be yours... and I'll be yours...

Vanya looks at Sahil, holding his face in her hands, and gently kisses his forehead.

Vanya: I'm only yours, completely yours...

They embrace each other tightly, lost in the moment. Just then, Sahil's phone rings, breaking the moment. Sahil glances at the screen-it's Rachit calling.

Sahil: Oh, crap! Vanya, it's Rachit. It's time for Aku to cut the cake, and they're waiting for us. We need to hurry...

Vanya and Sahil start to leave the room, but Vanya suddenly grabs Sahil's hand, stopping him in his tracks.

Sahil: What happened, Vanya? We're running late, come on...

Vanya stays put, pouting adorably like a two-year-old child, her face scrunched up in the cutest way.

Sahil: Vanya, are you going to tell me what's wrong?

Vanya: You didn't call me baby... you called me Vanya... huh... I like it when you call me baby...

Sahil: Awwwww, my baby... was that all? Come here, my baby...

Sahil pulls Vanya into a hug and plants a kiss on her forehead.

Sahil: Now, is my baby happy?

Vanya: Yes, very, very happy...

Vanya kisses Sahil on the cheek.

Vanya: This is for you...

Sahil, feeling romantic, leans in closer to her

Sahil: I want another one...

Vanya: (teasingly) You're not getting another one...

Sahil: Why not? That's not fair.

Vanya: Because I said so, that's why...

Sahil: Oh really? Well, then I've decided-I'm not letting you go today...

Vanya: Sahil, no! We're late already... Aku and Rachit are waiting to cut the cake...

Sahil: (moving closer to her) Let them wait...

Sahil gets even closer, but Vanya quickly pecks him on the cheek, then pushes him away and runs off.

Vanya: Sahil, hurry up, we're late! (teasing him from a distance)

Sahil: You'll never change... (laughing, he chases after her)

They both arrive at the party hall, breathless and laughing.

Aku and Rachit meet them at the entrance.

Aku: (seeing Vanya) Wow, Vanu, you look absolutely gorgeous in that sari...

Rachit: Yeah, Vanya, you look like an angel...

Sahil: (teasingly) Hey, that's enough, you two. Don't you dare put the evil eye on my girlfriend...

Everyone bursts out laughing.

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