The Truth Comes Out

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Since meeting the new guy, Anthony, we had taken our journey to the country side. Where we were housed by a nice couple of winds (We call people depending on their element), that he knew. The guy had really grown on us since then.

"Do you think I should braid my hair or leave it loose?" Lizbeth asked while sitting facing the vanity in the room the Smiths (the couple) gave us.

"I think you should braid it" I said getting up from the bed. "Here I'll help" I grabbed three strands of hair.

"Should I go with a French or Dutch?" she asked.


After I finished braiding her hair we sat down on the bed.

"Why are you so worried about your hair anyways? We are going to sleep in a few hours anyways. Who are you trying to impress?" I raised my eye brows in amusement.

"Okay, but swear you won't tell anyone!"

"I won't! I swear"

"Okay, so I've had this huge crush on Brian for a time now. And the other day we were just talking. And he kissed me" my blood started boiling.

I never told her anything about Brian and me. But could she actually be so stupid not to realize we had something going on?! And Brian, he kissed her! That son of a bitch! After saying he loved me so many times. I can't believe he did this.

"I'm so happy for you" I said trying to hide my anger. "I forgot where I left my cell, I'll... be right back"

I quickly got up and closed the door. The boy's room was just two doors down from ours. I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Brian's voice answered from inside.

I opened the door and closed it behind me. Their bedroom wasn't much different from ours, but they had separate beds, Lizbeth and I had to share one. I guess it's weird for boys to sleep in one bed.

"What's up babe?" he asked.

"You bastard. You kissed her!" his eyes opened up like plates.

"She told you?"

"Yes she tells me everything. You really thought I wouldn't find out?!"

"It was a onetime thing I promise. I don't really like her. I love you" he grabbed my arm and I quickly wriggled it out of his grasp.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed.

I heard someone open the door.

"Is everything okay in here?" Anthony's voice sounded behind me.

I turned around.

"You know what? No its not" I approached him. "But it will be"

I grabbed him by the neck and brought him in for a hard kiss. I just wanted to make Brian jealous, Anthony's eyes flew open as his lips came in contact with mine. At first he didn't do anything, but them he kissed back.

I pulled away.

"How does it feel now Brian?" I laughed with irony and closed the door behind me.

When I returned Lizbeth was lying on the bed with her earphones on. She looked at me as I opened the door and took one of them out of her ear.

"Did you find your phone?" she asked oblivious to what had just happened.

"It was in my pocket the entire time" I faked a laugh. "Connect your phone with the speaker"

"Let me just turn the Bluetooth on.... Done"

One Republic's "Secrets" started sounding.

"I need another story. Something to get off my chest. My life gets kinda boring, that's something that I can confess..."

We sang to every song till we couldn't keep our eyes open anymore.

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