Lights and Colors

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As the room's walls crumbled down, the shocked specters moved into action. They began using their powers to do all sorts of things, from electrical floating spheres to freezing crystal walls.

"Move!" I shouted as I ushered them forwards. In a mater of seconds we began running straight at the hybrids pushing and using our powers against them. As I ran I could the mixture of color and lights that formed around me, it was actually kind of beautiful. The way the electricity in the air made the clouds of smoke look like indoor storms, or the way the water caught the light of the fire just right. A beautiful mess I thought.

And then my three seconds of calm disappeared, replaced by the reality of the situation. There were much more of then than there were of us. I called to the fire inside me and brought it out, making three of them instantly catch fire. While I was fighting my way though the debacle Andrea was throwing punches and running as fast as she could towards the stairs, Lizbeth right behind her. Brian was a couple of feet next to me making weeds sprout right from the marble floor.

"Just leave them, we gotta go!" Andrea screamed from the base of the stairs. Just as I was about to make a run for it I saw Brian struggling with a man twice his size. For a second I thought about leaving him and saving myself, but then my conscious took over. With a quick motion of my arm I ignited the man and grabbed Brian.

"Let's get the hell out of here" I said to him. We ran as fast as our scabbed bodies let us and reached the girls. Lizbeth immediately started running and we followed.

The first floor looked just as when we arrived, the only difference was that the glamorous stairway was now hells entrance. The fire covered every single inch of it, making it impossible to reach the ground level.

"We have to find Anthony, we can't leave without him" Andrea said.

"I don't think there are any cells in this place, let's split up and search the rooms. There are eight of them, if we can each do two we'll get out of here faster." I pitched in.

"Okay, let's go" said Brian. We all pick a side and went off. The door I opened turned to be an office, its walls were painted a dark grey. It had a glass desk in the far side of the room, a painting hung behind it. A dark blue sky with stars was painted over a sleeping city, it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Who ever painted this had such detail and skill... it was remarkable. In the left corner of the room there was a white table about three feet tall, holding a glass vase. I picked up the vase in my hands, it felt cool and light to the touch. Just as I was about to put it back I noticed a rock inside, a brilliant blue smooth stone the size of a guitar pick. It was transparent and had silver veins running through it. I pocketed the stoned in my hoodie and placed the vase on the table once more.

Then I heard it, the most awful sound that could've stumbled upon my ears in that moment, a piercing scream that traveled all the way to my bones. I scrambled out as fast as my short legs allowed me and made my way to where the sounds was coming from, as I could see, all the others had done the same. When I stepped through that door frame what we saw was the last thing I ever imagined. Something so gruesome and revolting, that even Brian couldn't handle.

Blood spilled through the white floor, creating a strong contrast in color. The dark grey walls had little red spots all over them. Even the air smelled of a strong iron odor. In the center of all this mess stood the victim, not even his name I could use to describe this. They seemed to have cut his throat, Anthony's. His body was tied to a chair, his eyes still open and unfocused. Blood dripping from his mouth, his grey hoodie was covered in the red liquid. So this is what murder looks like I thought.

Lizbeth was paralyzed in a corner looking frantic, she let out heavy sobs while looking at the body, she was the one who found him. Now I realize why they haven't come after us, they knew this would give them all the time in the world.

I hadn't even realized I was crying, everyone was, and it pained me to say my next words.

"We have to go" I whispered loud enough for everyone to hear me. They all turned their heads and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Our friend has just died, are you out of our mind. Don't you have any feelings?" Brian raged at me. In the corner of my eye I could see Andrea, she knew what was ahead and understood my words.

"They're coming, for us. This was a trap. We have to go now."

Brian looked at Lizbeth and said "Fine". He grabbed her and put over his shoulder just as if she was a toddler. The whole seen would have been hysterical under other circumstances, but this was not one of them.

The others leaving I noticed something hanging on Anthony's neck.

"Are you coming?" Andrea called.

"Yeah, i'll be right there. Go ahead with out me"

I took a deep breath and stepped on the pool of blood. The body looked even worse from up close, I could see every last detail. I took hold the necklace and ripped it off. I followed quickly out of the room and placed it in my hoodie's pocket without even looking.

And just like that my blue Converse and I went squishing into the night, a heavy burden on our shoulders.

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