Chapter Four

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TW: None


Lunch was eventually over with Tanaka, and it was another success. We were having small talk, along with talking about animals, our favorite animals, what we do in our free time, etc. Overall, it was a nice conversation and it was fun to get to know somebody else for a change. Here's some of the things I kept in mind:

-He likes the dark arts and knows how to do rituals...which I have kept in mind since that can be terrifying. Though, it sounds interesting enough to possibly ask Tanaka to teach me some dark arts.

-There's something I noticed about his personality while secretly analyzing how he speaks, his mannerisms, etc. Even though Tanaka seems to reprimand "mere mortals" like my classmates and even me from time to time, he sometimes looks solemn whenever he does so. Almost like he gets lonely, even if he tries to pretend he doesn't (since I did ask him if he ever gets lonely, and he acted like I offended him somehow).

-He hates physical contact, and only "specific" people are able to touch him, because of his "poisonous flesh" or whatever...which I found interesting and I will keep in mind.

-Tanaka is in fact vegan, like I originally thought, which was confirmed by him when I asked.

There's more, but those are the main facts. And that he lived (and still lives) with his mother, which I found sweet. 

But now it was the end of the class, and the last bell rang. I must've zoned out for the rest of class, letting my thoughts go back and forth between Tanaka and my work, which is something I usually don't do. Why am I thinking about this guy so much?

My eyes danced over the room and saw Nanami was slower than usual when it comes to packing up. I went over to her, since Tanaka left the classroom which I personally found odd. She noticed me walking over to her and smiled.

" anything up?" Nanami wondered, tilting her head to the side.

"Oh, no! I was just seeing how you were doing. And I had a question," I mentioned.

"I'm doing fine. What's the question?"

"How did you gain your Ultimate talent?"

Nanami hummed as she finished packing up, probably thinking about how to answer my question. "I don't really remember. I think it was because in every game I've played that uses a leader board I've been #1. Then Hope's Peak Academy noticed my skill and gave me the title 'Ultimate Gamer.' So maybe that's how."

"Wow! That's super impressive!" I knew I probably had to leave, since I knew I had a decent long walk and I didn't want to stay in this classroom for too long. "Oh, I have to go. I'll talk to you later, okay?" Nanami nodded with a soft smile on her face.

"Okay. Bye-bye, L/N."

"Before I go..." I started. "You can call me Y/N. We're friends now, right?"

Nanami's smile widens, as she nods. "Alright. And you can call me Chiaki."

"Alright, Chiaki! Well bye!"

I waved goodbye to the girl as I left the classroom. The reason why I haven't done the same "first name basis" to Tanaka as I did with Chiaki is because I don't even know if Tanaka likes me as a friend or not, because of his strange god-complex, but I'm not judging him. I would just rather be safe than sorry.

I opened my locker and swung my backpack over my shoulder, since I knew I had homework for the night. Once I closed my door, somebody cleared their throat, probably to get my attention. I turned around and saw Tanaka, a small yet cocky smile on his face.

"I have a favor to ask you..." Tanaka mentioned, keeping his arms crossed over his chest.

"A favor? What is the favor?" I wondered, my head tilting towards the side in curiosity. He's never asked me for a favor I wondered what it was.

"Usually I don't ask this from many mortals like you...but I trust you enough," Tanaka started as his hamsters came out of his scarf and onto his shoulders. "I have some business to take care of tonight and I was wondering if you would be willing to take care of my Dark Devas for the night. You seem to love them just as much as I do, so I trust you. Will you be willing?"

He wants me to take care of his hamsters? Wow. He doesn't EVER seem to let his Dark Devas leave his sight, so I'm surprised that he trusts a random girl that he met yesterday to take care of his hamsters.

"Yeah, sure! I don't mind," I responded. "I'm surprised that you trust me...we just met two days ago."

Tanaka chuckled, like he expected my skepticism. "Yes, I know. But I need somebody to look after my Devas tonight, and you're the only one that I've been talking to the most lately. Don't make me regret my decision, mortal."

"I won't! You can trust me," I replied. Once I said that, his hamsters jumped onto my shoulders. San-D and Jum-P on my right shoulder, Maga-Z and Cham-P on my left shoulder. "I won't let you down, I promise!"

Tanaka nods in approval. "Good. I shall be off. But before I leave...may I have your phone number? Just to keep in contact to make sure my Devas are doing okay, and to check in every now and then."

"Oh, of course!" I exclaimed as I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him so he could place his number into my phone. He handed my phone back after he placed his number in it. 

"I'll check in every now and then. If anything happens to my Four Dark Devas, hell will be released onto you, mortal!" Tanaka bellowed, his glare being sharp and cold.

"Nothing will happen, I promise! Well, bye Tanaka. I should probably get going now," I mentioned. He nodded with a slight smirk.

"Yeah. I have to get going too. I'll see you tomorrow, moral," He chuckled before leaving me with the Devas. I smiled to myself.

"Well, are you guys ready to head to my house?" I asked the hamsters. They nodded, they seemed pretty excited, which I found pretty cute. I left the school and started heading to my house, pretty excited for what tonight will bring now that I have Tanaka's phone number and these cute hamsters for the night.

I guess there's one way to find out.


Hey guys! This chapter was pretty short, so my apologies if it isn't the best it could be, I tried my best with it! Since it's only chapter four, things are starting off a bit slow, but once we get into the double digits, I'll try to make things go a bit quicker. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though. Have an amazing rest of your day!! <3

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