Chapter 6 - Sharing a Bed

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"I call it the baby maker."

"So, here we are. This is your bedroom." Grace tells Garrett as she opens the door.

"Wow. This is nice. And the view." He says looking around and outside the windows.

"And here's the bed." Gammy says gesturing to it with a grin.

"Wow. Exquisite bed. Exquisite." He says. "So, uh, where's Yn's room?" He then asks Grace.

"Oh, sweetie, we're not under any illusions that you two don't sleep in the same bed." Your mother laughs. "She'll sleep in here with you."

"Oh, great. Because we.. we love to snuggle." Garret says looking at the bed nervously. "Don't we, honey?"

"We're huge snugglers." You say monotonously.

Then a tiny white puffy dog runs into the room and jumps up Garrett's legs, barking in greeting.

"Oh, my god! What is that?" He exclaims. He tries to hide behind you when it won't stop jumping around him.

"Calm down, Kevin." Grace says.

"Whoa! You are cute." You say bending down to pick up the dog. "Who is this?"

"That's Kevin. I'm sorry, Garrett." Your mother apologises to him.

"So cute." You say petting the dog in your arms.

"We just rescued him from the pound, and he's still in training. Sorry." She says.

"Just be sure you don't let him outside, or the eagles will snatch him." Gammy says.

"No, don't listen to her. She's just pulling your leg, isn't she?" You baby-talk to the dog and let it lick your face. Garret scrunches his face in disgust and looks away.

"By the way, there are extra towels, linens and things in here if you need them." Grace says opening a cabinet.

The dog in your arms try to reach for Garrett and he flinches away.

"And if you get chilly tonight, use this." Gammy says, taking a blanket out from the cabinet and hands it to Garrett. "It has special powers."

"Oh, what kind of special powers?" He asks taking the blanket.

"I call it the baby maker." Gammy tells him wiggling her eyebrows.

Garretts eyes widen and he throws the blanket at you, holding his hands behind his back in a straight posture. Having just stood back up from putting the dog down, the blanket hits your face, you catch it before it lands on the floor though.

"Okay, well. Just.." He says but then you throw the blanket. "Don't throw it on the bed.." He sighs as it hits the bed.

"We better turn in. It's been quite an evening. So good night everybody." Grace says and leaves the bedroom.

"Good night." You and Garrett say.

"Good night." Gammy giggles and walk to the door with the dog.

"Good night, Gammy." You tell her.

"Good night." She says again, giggling as she looks at the two of you when walking out of the bedroom.

Garrett and you move away but then Gammy says good night again and you step closer again.

"Good night. Thank you so much." Garrett says.

"Bye, bye." You say and then move away from him when she closes the door after her.

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