Chapter 12 - Wedding

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"He just makes me a little crazy."

Joe walks down and meet the two of you at the dock.

"I want to talk to both of you." He tells you. The two of you look at each other and follow him to his workshop. "Your mother is never to hear about any of this." Your father tells you before opening the door. Walking inside you are met with Gilbertson.

"Told you I'd check up on you." He tells you smugly.

"What did you do?" You ask your father.

"I got a phone call from Mr. Gilbertson here, who told me that if you were lying, which he strongly believes that you are, he would send you to prison. So I flew him up here."

"Dad." You sigh.

"Luckily for you, your father negotiated a deal on your behalf." Gilbertson tells you. "Now, this offers gonna last for 20 seconds, so listen closely. You're gonna make a statement admitting this marriage is a sham.. or you're gonna go to prison. You tell the truth and you're off the hook, and he will going back to Canada." He says pointing at Garrett.

Joe and Garrett make eye contact before your father address you.

"Take the deal." He tells you.

"I don't think so." You tell him.

"Don't be stupid, Yn." He sighs.

"You want a statement?" You turn to Gilbertson. "Here's your statement. I've been working for Garrett Tate for three years. Six months ago we started dating, we fell in love. He asked me to marry him, and I said yes. I'll see you at the wedding." You tell them and leave, pulling Garrett with you, and your father sighs.


Walking in to your bedroom in silence, Garrett sits down on the couch with a deep sigh.

"So.. you sure about this?" He asks you.

"Not really." You admit.

"I mean, I am very appreciative of what you've done, but I think that.."

"You'd do the same for me. Right?" You ask him, he just looks at you, then Gammy comes in knocking on the door.

"Hope everyone is decent." She giggles and then points at Garrett. "You need to come with me. Now, tomorrow is your wedding day. You have to give the Baby Maker some rest tonight. It's tradition." She says and grabs the blanket.

"Where not gonna use.." He says but she continues talking.

"Now, give your bride a kiss good night." Gammy tells him.

".. the Baby Maker." Garrett finishes as she walks back to the door.

"You got your whole lives to be together. Now, come on." She tells you and leave the bedroom. You both stay silent for a long moment.

"You know, If you don't go with her, she's just gonna.." You say.

"Come right back.." He finishes for you.

"Yeah." You say with a small chuckle and standing up he heads for the door, but you stop him. You hand him another blanket, and he looks at you gratefully. Relieved he didn't have to sleep with the Baby Maker blanket your grandmother took with her to where he's gonna sleep.

"See you in the morning?" You then ask him, he looks at you for a moment.

"Yeah." He nods, you nod with a smile before he leaves and closes the door after himself leaving you alone with your thoughts.


Garrett lays on the couch looking up at the ceiling, then slightly shaking his head with a worried look, rubbing his forehead. You lay in bed, lying on your side, looking at Garrett's empty spot, feeling that something is missing beside you. Reaching out you lay your hand on his pillow, then pulling it to your face you smell his scent, closing your eyes you hold it close and fall asleep.

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