Never Let Chester and Allegra Into Team Flash

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I mean when Cisco left and Caitlin died, it truly felt like they were just trying to replace them. It never was the same. Chester was let in because Barry was too impatient to walk five feet and Chester walked in. Now he's a part of team Flash? I mean come on. Chester is not as smart, proven, mature believe it or not, and loved as Cisco. Not saying he's a bad character, he just shouldn't be a vital character. Allegra was allowed into the team because she was wrongly accused of a crime and then Nash Wells told her Barry was the Flash. Why? She's not as smart, she 's not a medic, she isn't as cool as Frost and Caitlin, and isn't as important to Barry or Cisco as Caitlin. She just isn't the right person to replace Caitlin. She's a good character, just shouldn't know Barry's identity or be a part of team Flash. So in conclusion I think that they were so desperate to replace Caitlin and Cisco they forgot so many things that made them great and rushed it. It took time to learn to love Cisco and Caitlin, they can't be replaced like that. They just aren't the same.

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