Stop Making The Show A Romance Drama/ Make It A Superhero Show Again:

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Sometimes I feel like the show focuses more on Barry and Iris's personal life instead of the Flash. If I wanted a show about Barry and Iris's personal life I would watch the Flash. And if I wanted a show about the Flash I'd watch nothing. Sometimes I feel like the episode is 90% Barry and 10% Flash. I want to see Barry stop the bad guys, not have a 10 minute long conversation with Iris about how to stop the bad guys. It also sometimes feels like there's unnecessary drama between Barry and Iris. It also feels like the show focus more on how to stop the villain than stopping the villain. Sometimes it's 35 minutes of planning and 2 minutes of actually planning. Can I just see the Flash have an actually entertaining and exciting battle without 40 minutes of planning. Also can the battle last more than 5 minutes. In all I think the show needs to focus more on Barry stopping the bad guys rather than his marriage with Iris. The show also needs to remember, Barry is the Flash for 10 years, he shouldn't require 32 minutes of planning to beat a mediocre villain like in season 1 (GOAT SEASON). In the words of Cisco, "Just us versus the bad guys": I miss when there wasn't just this much drama on just catching a mediocre bad guy. I mean just fight and catch them. Although I really liked season two and three. I miss when it was no dopplegangers or Falshpoint. Just Team Flash versus the bad guys. It was such a simple concept just executed so well. I think that in conclusion I just miss season 1.

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