Caitlin and Cisco Get More Screen Time

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I just feel like all they're screen time was just ripped away after season 4. Even if their screen time isn't independent I just want when to get more screen time. I also think that they should have more scenes with Barry it seems like Barry and Cisco never got any moments when it was just Barry and Cisco. I mean the two were best friends, how do you not show more scenes between the two just hanging out. And we all saw the dramatic decrease in scenes between Barry and Caitlin from season 4 to season 5. I just miss the scenes where they would just interact as friends and hang out together. We also get very little scenes where it's Just the three of them hanging out or talking after season 1. It just seems like all of Barry's screen time is shared with Iris and not any of his friends. I mean show more of Team Flash; or Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin. In all I just miss seeing more of Cisco and Caitlin.

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