Chapter 15

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The Randolph Corporation was one of the oldest and most innovative of outside defense contractors. Since the time of President Harry Truman, they have developed unique and reliable systems. Since the beginning, the company has always embraced innovative technology as a fundamental part of its operations. However, they were not shy, nor did they hide the fact that they were able or willing to borrow other ideas from other sources or enemies. The idea of stealth technology went all the way back to World War II with the Messerschmitt 109, which was the earliest prototype. It used light balsa to mask a radar signature. The Randolph group had only improved on that idea. That was only one of its accomplishments, night vision, kevlar body armor, caseless bullets, the list goes on and on. But those innovations are public knowledge now. They leaked out only when developed. They kept their other projects secret, guarding them and even willing to kill to keep them under wraps. Despite all their security, one project slipped out before they could implement it.

The so-called Satellite Defense Initiative or Star Wars project. Pundits had said it would never work, but Flint was not so sure. He was always under the impression that just the idea was the project itself. Their plan and the US governments were an elaborate deception to buy them time until technology could catch up and they could build what they wanted. It was one of those urban legends Flint liked to push around in his brain. There was no proof of that, but the fact remained the idea of Star Wars disappeared when Reagan left office.

The Randolph Corporation company headquarters was just outside of Langley Virginia. Flint thought that was mighty convenient having the CIA headquarters not a mile from your front doorstep. It also bolstered his suspicion that the company and that security organization were in some sort of symbiotic relationship. Classified ideas needed secret warriors to protect them. He did not think for a minute he'd get any kind of cooperation out of these goons, but it was worth a try. Sometimes a slip of the tongue can give him all the information he needed.

The drive through the rolling hills of West Virginia was pleasant this time of year. The Bright autumn colors of the old deciduous virgin forests were good this season. It was peaceful and beautiful, something that he did not get enough of in his world that was full of all the bad things that humanity offered. He did not dwell on that too much and tried to block most of it out. The good man inside him wanted to quell the tide and prevent violence if he could by solving one crime at a time. They had pushed out of his investigation. He wasn't sure that was legal, but he was not about to let that stop him from doing his job.

His car was the only one on this little two-lane road until he crossed over into West Virginia. Then the amount of military traffic increased, and many troop trucks passed him. Most of the military facilities were to the east and south across the river, not in front of him. Overhead, a squadron of F-18 Raptors buzzed by in low formation. This was more than an exercise.

"I know this is not all for Hunter. Who else are you after?" he mumbled to himself.

Flint averted his attention back to driving and pressed the accelerator. The convoy of vehicles disappeared behind him. His car tore down the highway and he shot through the Bellingham Mountain tunnel and emerged on the west side near the entrance to the Randolph Corporation. The large metallic modern sign with a back-lit "R" with eagle wings loomed by the front gate. There was a security gate with a video monitor. He wheeled his car up to the intercom and pressed the button. A hard, feminine voice answered it.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, this is Detective Flint with the Washington Metro police. I need to speak to one of your employees concerning a murder investigation."


"I have to do this face-to-face."

His response was curt and to the point. He had learned that sometimes you have to put up a strong front and bullshit your way in.

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