chapter 6: freedom pt 1

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The guard's body crumpled to the ground, my hand slick with blood as I pulled it free from his chest. His lifeless eyes stared up at me, wide with shock, as the light faded from them. There was no emotion in me, no regret or hesitation. Just cold, calculated resolve. I'd been waiting for this moment, for the perfect opportunity to unleash the monster they had created.

I swiped the keycard from his belt and turned toward the exit, my mind already racing through the plan I'd carefully crafted over the past year. The hallway stretched out before me, dimly lit by the sickly fluorescent lights overhead. This place had been my prison, my torment, but now it would become my playground, the stage for my vengeance.

As I took my first step toward freedom, the alarms blared to life, their shrill cries echoing off the walls. Red lights flashed, bathing the corridor in a hellish glow. They knew something was wrong. They knew I was coming.


The air hissed as toxic gas began to seep from the vents above, filling the corridor with a thick, green mist. It was the same gas they had used on me countless times during my "training" sessions-an insidious mix of chemicals designed to weaken and subdue even the strongest of quirk users. But that was before. Before I had adapted. Before I had become the One Above All.

I took a deep breath, feeling the gas invade my lungs, but instead of coughing or gasping for air, I felt... nothing. My body had already neutralized the toxins, rendering them harmless. I grinned, savoring the moment as I walked forward, the mist parting around me like a curtain.

At the far end of the corridor, the first wave of guards appeared, their faces hidden behind gas masks and helmets, their bodies clad in heavy armor. They carried weapons-energy rifles, batons crackling with electricity, and even a few quirk-enhanced combat tools. These were the elite, the ones they sent in when all else failed.

"Subject 13, stand down!"

one of them shouted, his voice muffled by the mask.

"You're not getting out of here!"

I turned giving them a death glare

I turned giving them a death glare

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I didn't bother responding. There was no point. They weren't here to talk-they were here to die.

I activated Shadow Step, my body blurring as I surged forward, closing the distance between us in an instant. The guard in front didn't even have time to react before my fist collided with his chest, the force of a Void Smash exploding outward in a shockwave that sent him and the two men behind him crashing into the wall with a sickening crunch. Their armor cracked, splintered, and then shattered under the impact, their bodies broken beyond recognition.

The remaining guards opened fire, their energy rifles spitting out beams of concentrated light. I moved through them like a phantom, dodging and weaving between the shots with inhuman speed. Their aim was precise, but it didn't matter. I was faster. I was better.

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