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The doctor adjusted his glasses, his expression somber as he looked at the Midoriya family.

Doctor:I'm afraid the diagnosis is conclusive. Izuku Midoriya is quirkless.

Hisashi Midoriya, known to the world as Inferno, the number three pro hero in Japan, with his powerful fire-breathing quirk, stood there in disbelief. Next to him was his wife, Inko Midoriya, known as Teleka, wielding a formidable telekinesis quirk. Their twin daughter, Izumi, looked equally stunned.

Hisashi:That's not possible!

Hisashi roared, his voice echoing through the sterile room.

Hisashi:Me and my wife are among the strongest heroes out there. Our family line has never had this... disease called quirklessness.

Hisashi's anger filled the room, his eyes blazing with fury.

Hisashi:How is it possible? My own son, quirkless?

Izuku, tears streaming down his face, looked up at his father with a mixture of hope and fear. He had always wanted to be a hero, just like his parents.

Surely, he could still be a hero without a quirk, right?

He could still make his parents proud, right?

The doctor sighed, preparing to explain the science behind the diagnosis. "

Doctor:There's a theory about double-jointedness and the presence of an extra joint in the pinky toe, which is often found in quirkless individuals. Izuku exhibits these characteristics, which-

Hisashi:I don't care about your theories!

Hisashi interrupted, his harsh glare directed at Izuku. The young boy whimpered, the weight of his father's anger crushing his spirit.

Inko stepped in, trying to calm her husband.

Inko:Honey, please, calm down. What about Izumi? She should have a quirk, right?

Worry etched across her face, she clung to the hope that at least one of their children would have a quirk.

The doctor smiled reassuringly.

Doctor:izumi is a completely different case. From my assessment, she has a very powerful quirk called Shockwave. She can generate powerful shockwaves, ranging from small tremors to catastrophic blasts. With such a quirk, I have no doubt she could become the top four pro hero when she grows up.

Izumi:Yay! I have a powerful quirk, and I'll be the best hero in the world!

Izumi exclaimed, her voice filled with happiness.

Hisashi's expression softened as he looked at Izumi with pride.

Hisashi:At least one good thing came out of this

He said gruffly. But when he turned his gaze back to Izuku, it was filled with disgust.

Izuku forced a smile for his sister, but his heart ached. He looked down at his clenched fists.

Even though he was quirkless,

his family wouldn't hate him, right?

He could still be happy, right?

When the Midoriyas returned home, Hisashi announced,

Hisashi:Let's throw a celebration. This is wonderful news.

Inko:you're right

Inko agreed, hugging Izumi.

Inko:Izumi, I'm so proud of you.

Shattered Light: A Neglected Izuku Story Where stories live. Discover now