chapter 24: First day part 1

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First-person view:

Standing in front of the mirror, I tugged at the collar of my UA male school uniform. It fit me well, though I wasn’t used to seeing myself in something like this—a clean white shirt, the blazer adorned with the school’s logo, green pants, a red tie neatly hanging. Honestly, it felt a bit surreal, almost like I was trying on someone else's dream, a dream I'd once had, back when life was simpler.

But now... now everything was different.

I sighed as I looked at my reflection, the dark circles under my eyes refusing to be concealed, no matter how hard I tried to mask them. Four years. Four years of running, surviving, changing. Four years since I had vanished from their lives.

Nemuri:You okay, Izuku?

Nemuri's voice came from behind me. She stepped closer, her gentle hands adjusting my collar and tie, her touch both comforting and grounding. Her eyes, full of care, searched mine.

I nodded, though a knot of anxiety twisted in my chest.

Izuku:Yeah… I mean, this is UA. I never thought I'd actually set foot in this place as a student.

Nemuri chuckled softly, smoothing the fabric of my blazer.

Nemuri:Funny how life works, huh? You always dreamed of coming here.

She paused, meeting my eyes with a soft smile.

Nemuri:And now, you're here. You earned it, Izuku. Sure, it was rough... extremely rough. But you made it.

I tried to hold back the overwhelming emotions rising in my chest. For so long, I’d dreamed of this moment, but not under these circumstances. I swallowed hard, trying to keep my composure.

Izuku:I guess... somehow destiny has a way of surprising us, doesn’t it?

Her smile grew, though I saw a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Nemuri:you’re happy, right?

It took me a moment, but I managed a smile, small and faint, yet real.


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Izuku:Yeah... I guess I am.

Her face brightened as she blushed.

Nemuri:See? You look handsome when you smile.

She leaned in and kissed me softly. I didn’t hesitate this time. It was still new, this affection, this love. Something I thought I'd lost forever, yet Nemuri had given it to me freely. It was something I wasn’t sure I deserved, but I accepted it

Nemuri:and Izuku…

She paused, her voice quieter now, more serious.

Nemuri:Please be careful.

I knew what she meant. She didn’t have to say it. Today, I was going to face them my sister, Izumi, and the people who once called themselves my friends. They were here, and I couldn’t avoid them forever.

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