chapter 12: clashing with heroes pt 1

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Tsukauchi Naomasa stood in the dimly lit briefing room, facing a group of the most prominent heroes in Japan. The atmosphere was tense, the weight of the discussion heavy on everyone's shoulders. The once-invincible symbol of peace, All Might, stood with a somber expression, his eyes shadowed with concern. Endeavor, Japan's current Number One Hero, wore a scowl, his fiery demeanor tempered by years of responsibility. Beside him, Inferno whose presence once radiated with pride and power looked like a shell of his former self, his face marked by deep lines of grief and regret. Hawks leaned casually against the wall, though his usual light-hearted air was absent, replaced by an intense focus. Best Jeanist stood with his arms crossed, his sharp gaze reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Inferno, his voice low and laced with bitterness, was the first to speak.

Inferno:Why are we here?

He asked, his tone dark and annoyed.

Inferno:I’m not in the mood for any more bureaucratic nonsense, Tsukauchi.

It was no secret that Inferno had changed ever since the loss of his son. The grief had hollowed him out, leaving behind a man who now lived with a perpetual sense of anger and guilt. Tsukauchi knew this, and he understood that calling Inferno here was a risk. But he also knew that the situation with Nemesis required the attention of heroes who had seen it all who could handle the unimaginable.

Tsukauchi:Please, bear with me, Inferno

Tsukauchi said calmly. He glanced around the room, making eye contact with each hero.

Tsukauchi:You're all here because the situation with Nemesis has taken a turn we didn’t expect.

All Might’s voice broke through the silence, filled with concern.

All might:Nemesis... I've heard about him. A vigilante, right? But from what I understand, he’s only been targeting criminal gangs. Why are we involved now?

Tsukauchi nodded, acknowledging All Might’s question.

Tsukauchi:Yes, that’s correct. Until now, Nemesis has focused on taking down criminal organizations particularly those involved in human trafficking, illegal drug trades, and other heinous crimes. He’s been operating in the shadows, dealing with threats that the police often struggle to control.

Endeavor grunted, crossing his arms over his chest.

Endeavor:So he’s a rogue hero. We’ve dealt with those before. What makes him different? Why does it require us to get involved if he’s only cleaning up the streets?

Tsukauchi took a deep breath, preparing to drop the bombshell.

Tsukauchi:The reason you're all here today is because we’ve uncovered new evidence that ties Nemesis to an old case—one that dates back two years. A case involving a mysterious facility that was destroyed in an explosion of light. At the time, we found nothing but corpses and residual energy that we couldn’t trace back to any known quirk.

He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a worn, yellowed document. It looked old, fragile, and was marked with various seals and classified stamps. Tsukauchi placed it on the table, and the heroes leaned in to get a better look.

Tsukauchi:This document is the only piece of evidence we recovered from the facility

Tsukauchi explained.

Tsukauchi:It’s a report on something or someone referred to as 'Subject 13'. The contents of this report are... disturbing, to say the least. But it might explain why Nemesis is as dangerous as he is.

He began to read from the report:

Tsukauchi:Subject 13 has shown rapid development in both physical and mental capabilities, far exceeding our initial expectations. His quirk, if it can be called that, allows him to generate and stockpile energy in ways we’ve never seen before. This energy manipulation is not limited to the physical plane; it extends to the manipulation of matter, the disruption of quirk-based abilities, and the amplification of his own physical prowess which is already extremely boosted with the quirk

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