chapter 32: class rep

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Mr. Aizawa stood in front of Class 1-A, his usual tired expression and slouched posture not doing much to make his presence seem particularly commanding. Yet, even in his casual stance, the room quieted down slightly as he spoke.

Aizawa:Today, class… Sorry for being late

he said, rubbing his eyes as though he hadn’t slept in weeks.

Aizawa:Today, I’ll have you all…

He paused for a moment, glancing around the class as though to build suspense, but more likely because he was too tired to immediately finish his sentence.

Aizawa:...choose a class representative.

Suddenly, the room exploded into chaos.

"I should be class rep!"  shouted.

"No way, it’s gotta be me!" another voice chimed in.

"I've got the leadership skills for this! I’ll keep everyone in line!" a third claimed confidently.

Kaminari was standing up on his desk, pointing at himself, declaring,

Kaminari;I’m perfect for the job! Think about it—everyone loves me!

Jiroh: no they don't..

She said in a dry tone making kaminari let out an almost crying expression

Kaminari:harsh Jiroh right in the feels

Kirishima grinned, giving a thumbs-up as he said,

Kirishima:Nah, you guys need someone manly for the job! I’ve got this!

Mina jumped up from her seat, waving her arms enthusiastically.

Mina:Hey, pick me! I’ll make it super fun!

I don't think it's about having fun Mina.

Sero leaned back in his chair, casually throwing his hat into the ring with a smirk.

Sero:I mean, I wouldn’t mind. Could be cool.

Even Mineta, from the back of the class, was squeaking out his plea for leadership.

Mineta:What about me? Come on, I’ve got a big vision for this!

I bet my love for cheese steak sandwiches nobody will ever vote for him

Meanwhile, I was sitting in my seat, completely absorbed in the manhwa I was reading on my phone, trying my best to tune out the noise. It wasn’t exactly easy, especially with my enhanced senses. Every shout and loud declaration from my classmates felt like it was hitting my eardrums at double the volume. I winced as the noise level got even louder, my enhanced hearing making the chatter even more unbearable. Why did they have to yell so much?


Iida's voice boomed out, cutting through the chaos with the authority only someone like him could muster. He slammed his hands down on his desk, standing as tall and straight as a soldier. The room fell into a sudden hush.

Lida:This isn’t some part-time job or something you want to do to feel better about yourself!

he lectured, his arms chopping through the air with each word for added emphasis.

Lida:Being class representative means leading others, being a symbol of excellence not only to our class but to other classes as well! You need to think of the responsibility, the duty!

He paused dramatically, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

Lida:Therefore, I propose… we use the power of democracy to vote for our new class representative.

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