XIII- getting ready

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Hooks POV
He walked away from Bridget's dorm, he needed to find somebody he trusted. Somebody he could tell all this too. He had nobody. He felt alone. He was alone. The only person who listened to him and actually cared about his worries was Bridget. She was amazing, she was kind and cared for his feelings. But he can't complain about his crush on Bridget to Bridget.

He started to think about the villain crew. He obviously can't talk to Uli, even though she was one of his close friends. Morgie was off because he was just a snitch, anything told to him he will run and tell Uliana since he was desperate to get onto her favourite side. Hades was just a no. He remembered Maleficent, but could he trust her? As a villain he knew how they think.

In the end he decided to just keep it to himself. Besides it's only tomorrow, if he can manage to stop Ulianas prank attempt his mind will be out at ease and it will easily get Bridget to fall for him even harder.

He thought that the smartest thing to do at the moment was what Bridget decided to do. Go and relax. He walked back to his dorm, and just decided to have an extremely early night. He had a huge day tomorrow, his nervousness and excitement were basically at war in his stomach and mind. It made him feel sick.

Bridget's POV
Bridget literally woke up at the crack of dawn. "Castelcoming day!!" She sung, not containing her excitement anymore. All she had to do was get through the school day, get ready, wait until 7 and she could have the best night of her life! This event is something she had been waiting for her entire life, she never got the chance to do stuff like this and the best part was she had a date!

She made sure she was showered before school started so she didn't have to deal with the problem of wet hair later that evening. And eventually made her way to class. When she got there though, she realised the disappointment on everybody's faces. She saw Ella and ran over to her.

"Hey Ella! What's going on? Why does everybody look so sad." Bridget asked, patting everybody's arms who walked past her in an attempt to cheer people up.

"Didn't you hear?" Ella asked, by the look on Bridget's face she got her answer. "Somebody stole one of the forbidden books from Merlin's office. He's fuming. He doesn't know who did it." Ella crossed her arms looking at Merlin who was walking around inspecting everybody he passed.

"Why does that mean everybody is miserable?" She asked. "Because new strict rules have been implemented for castlecoming tonight. Like everybody has to be checked, any suspicious activity could get you kicked out and Merlin will now be monitoring the dance instead of Mr West." Bridget still didn't understand the problem, rules didn't bother her.

"Good! That book could cause some dangerous events! And I mean look on the bright side, at least castlecoming isnt cancelled completely!" Bridget smiled, welcoming Merlin as he approached them for the check. Ella sighed, she knew who took it and couldn't believe Merlin didn't go straight to her.

"Can you believe this though? He has the audacity to check us before running straight to uliana!?" Ella was annoyed, Bridget just shook her head, "You shouldn't judge her so easily, you don't know she took it! You're just assuming that because of who YOU think she is." Bridget felt proud with her acceptance of everybody.

"Okay look Bridget. I know you're some activist who tries to see the good in everybody. But trust me.. there is no good in her! She's pure evil and you need to give up on her." Ella shrugged. "I didn't give up on Hook." Bridget responded, knowing she managed to get him to show his good side, "Yeah but you used your Bridget charm on him and now he's crazy for you! You can't do that with Uliana." Ella laughed.

"You think Hooks crazy for me? Really!" Bridget had a look of ecstasy on her face. Ella scoffed, "Tone it down girl. He definitely... likes you. I'll give him that. I think he's played it too much now for it to be an act he's put on." Bridget rolled her eyes. "He's a good person and.. I really like him." She smiled to herself, holding her hands at her chest. Ella nodded, "I know and I'm happy you're happy." Ella put her hand on Bridget's shoulder and gave her a sincere look.

"Oh my Gosh!" Bridget said sitting down, dragging Ella down with her. "What?" Ella responded, intrigued with Bridget's sudden change. "I think I forgot to tell you!" Bridget was basically jumping up and down in her chair. "Well tell me girl before you blow up!" Ella laughed, Bridget leaned towards Ella, probably to keep the information discreet.

"Me and Hook had our first kiss the other night." She had a huge smile on her face. "Already!?" Ella shouted, which made Bridget shush her. "Sorry." Ella looked down, "I didn't know this! Jesus if you had told me this I wouldn't have shouted at him like that. I didn't realise you guys actually liked liked each other like that." Ella felt bad.

"It's okay Ella. I think i died a little though when he kissed me. I wasn't expecting it and it was so romantic! He is honestly the opposite of what you think he'd be. He's so soft spoken and heartfelt with me." Bridget was starting to blabber, Ella was happy with her friends happiness.

"I'm glad you're happy." Ella smiled as well, holding onto Bridget's hand. "I'm happy now. But in the moment I was so awkward." Bridget now showed signs of embarrassment. Ella was amazed at how quickly Bridget was changing emotions.

"Well he stayed so you obviously didn't do anything wrong." Ella reassured her friend. "That's true." Bridget nodded, "you can't be freaking out over this. He might want to kiss again tonight. And what? You're gonna collapse as he leans towards you. Bridget you actually amaze me." Ella chuckled. Bridget shrugged.

Class felt like 5 hours for Bridget, she knew the fact that she was so excited meant the day was going to drag on but she had no time, she dragged Ella back to her dorm. "Did you bring your dress?" Bridget asked, "Yes! And it's probably crinkled by now." Ella groaned.

Bridget stopped and gasped, "Why would you just simply shove it in your school bag?" Bridget seemed to be judging her mistake.
"It's fine, I mean I'll just fix it!" Bridget new her best friend would be able to so she just nodded and walked away, Ella following her footsteps.

"How long do you think it will take you to get ready?" Ella asked, having to speed walk to keep up with Bridget. "Uh I'm not really sure.. But I do know that Hook is picking me up at 7 so it must be before then!" Bridget turned around to give Ella a smile.

"Bridget it's 2pm." Ella said, "perfect amount of time!" Is all Bridget had to respond with.
"Girl I love you. But you're princess is severely showing." Ella chuckled, Bridget turned around. "My princess is showing?" She asked, still walking, just now backwards.

"Yes, I mean since when have you wanted to get ready for an event 6 hours before it starts. And also why is Hook getting you an hour early?" Ella was counting with her hands to make sure her math was right.

Bridget pouted, "these are normal occurrences Ella! I just want to make sure I'm pretty." Bridget turned back around allowing Ella to frown, why did Bridget suddenly care how pretty she is? Bridget didn't realise it, but she was one of the prettiest girls at school. But she always shunned that and downed herself just because she believed everybody hates her.

"And Hooks picking me up an hour early because he wanted to hang out before castlecoming." Bridget finished her sentence. "Fun!" Ella added on, Bridget happily nodded, practically skipping until they made it to her dorm.

They both took a while but they eventually got ready and decided to do dress reveals with Ella going first only because Bridget didn't allow her to keep the dress locked away in her bag any longer.

Ella had revealed herself in a beautiful blue gown, Bridget remembered that it was self made and was stunned. It looks like a fancy designer dress. "You look like a princess." Bridget giggled. "Oh- do I really want that..?" Ella gave an exaggerated look when Bridget said that.

Bridget said "Hey!" And added on, "being a princess isn't the horror movie you have pictured in your head." Ella just rolled her eyes. "B you know my views on royalty, you and charming are just different." Bridget nodded, she didn't want to judge her best friends opinion and besides it was her turn.

Bridget walked into the bathroom with her dress and put it on. She walked out and all of Ella's past opinions about Bridget changing her colour code were blown away. "Wow!" Is all Ella shouted out at that moment.

"Should I have stayed with pink?" Bridget nervously asked. Ella shook her head aggressively, "No! I told you B! You look gorgeous." Ella walked forward and hugged her. Bridget smiled, "thank you E." She replied hugging her back.

I've loved writing about Bridget and Ella's friendship these 2 chapters just bc I love their friendship.

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