X- mistake

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Hooks POV:
He decided to head back to his dorm, he caught himself smiling on the way back which he quickly wiped away when he saw Uliana stood outside of his dorm.

"You better be smiling because you have good news to share Hook." Uliana blocked his door so he couldn't hide away. Hook sighed, "why do you need my input anymore Uliana? I thought you said you were going with the monster cupcake." He leaned against the wall. Uliana looked annoyed, "I mean in the sense that she trusts you enough." She examined him, "What's wrong with you? Why do you look happy?" She asked, a frown on her face.

"A man can't be happy?" He responded, chuckling slightly. "The only thing I'll allow you to be happy about at the moment is the thought of Bridget's perfect humiliation!" Uliana laughed. Hook nodded, "Do you think I'm
Not capable of this prank?" Hook rolled his eyes, "Honestly, no! It looks like she's turning you soft. What happened to the notorious wicked Hook name? Does none of that matter. Did one prissy girl change all that?" Uliana was trying to get in his head.

Hook shook his head aggressively, "Are you kidding? That desperate girl? What are you implying?" He laughed, a rhetorical question as he spoke again, "we're going to make this humiliation perfect. Bridget will never want to mess with us again." Hook felt like he was bigging this all up. He didn't want to do any of those things, in reality he was trying to brainstorm things to stop Uliana and her plans.

Hook notice something move in the corner of his eye, when he turned his heart sunk. He saw Ella walking down the corridor, it was clear she had been listening because she kept turning around. Uliana saw Hook looking at Ella, "Oh great did that peasant girl hear everything." Uliana realised how big of a problem that is, "SHES GONNA RUIN EVERYTHING!" Uliana shouted, everything about her changing, "Hook! You need to stop her, okay? And I'll go grab the sorcerers book." Uliana turned hook towards Ella and pushed him away as she wondered away towards Merlin's office.

Hook literally sprinted towards Ella, "Wait! ELLA!" He shouted, grabbing onto her arm to stop her. She quickly pushed him off, "I knew it! Bridget's too kind to notice the bad in anyone but I knew you weren't different." She stared at him, "you're planning to humiliate Bridget? She trusts you hook! Like really trusts you, she's really happy you're taking her to castelcoming and what? You're just playing with her feelings?" Ella crossed her arms, she looked sad. She didn't like seeing Bridget hurt and now she knew somebody was planning on hurting her.

"No Ella! You dont understand! I'm trying to stop uliana from pulling that prank I just dont know how to yet.." he realised what he was saying would be hard to believe from Ella's pov, considering she never trusted him in the first place. "You think I'm just going to not tell Bridget? You obviously don't care about her. You called her desperate. You obviously think less of her than I thought you did. I can't believe I just let you walk all over her all these years and now I've just let you betray her. Bridget doesn't deserve this Hook." Ella went to walk away.

"Ella! Please please! I know.. I know! It's all just an act, you don't have to believe me I don't expect you to but I really really like her and I don't want to ruin anything, I'm actually happy with my relationship with her." Hook was being truthful but Ella didn't care, "if you really liked her that much you'd defend her against Uliana, not play evil just to maintain what? A stupid reputation. I'm not standing by if I know you're going to prank Bridget some how." Ella finally walked away.

"Crap!" Hook kicked the wall out of anger, it was over. Ella knew, and she was going to tell Bridget..

Bridget's POV
She was still overwhelmed with what happened yesterday, she was in shock but in a good way of course. It wasn't long until Ella was at Bridget's dorm knocked aggressively at her door. "Who is it?" Bridget asked since she wasn't expecting any visitors. "It's Ella." Ella sounded out of breath. Bridget opened the door, "Ella? Are you okay? What's happened?" Bridget grabbed Ella's hand and pulled her into the room, closing the door behind them.

"Bridget. I need to tell you something. About Hook." Ella looked serious, "Well me too!"
Bridget said in a more happy excited tone, which Ella just frowned too. Bridget was so happy and he was just going to take advantage of that, well that's what Ella believes. "Is your thing, something happy?" Ella asked, Bridget nodded. "Then let me say my thing first it might change that.." Ella didn't want to hurt her friend, but she knew what Hook was going to do would hurt her more.

Speaking of him, he ran into Bridget's room. Ella scolded him as he ran in, "Get out!" Ella screamed at him. Bridget looked at Ella angrily, "what is going on? Don't shout at him.." Bridget didn't want any drama and was worried for the current situation. "Okay then, he can stay. You can face him when I tell you some new information I have." Ella was angry now, rather then sympathetic. Hook was begging Ella silently not to say anything.

"Hooks not the guy you think he is. Your entire friendship is some sick fake joke, he's planning to prank you, I don't know what he's plotting but it's with Uliana so just think of the endless possibilities. Your 'friendship' is just fake to him." Ella was furious, Hook could hear her tone. Bridget just silently stared at Ella before turning around to Hook. Hook just shook his head, "You have to believe me Bridget, Ive been trying to think of ways to stop Uliana ever since our first hangout. I told you! I don't like who I am, I like the person I am when I'm with you." Hook was basically begging, he genuinely didn't want to lose what they had. But he knew it was pointless.

"You are a liar! What do you get out of seriously? A bit of glee when you see Bridget humiliated?" Ella shouted at him, "Ella!" Bridget snapped back, for the first time ever, Bridget sounded angry. It shocked hook and Ella. Bridget took a deep breath out before saying "Ella can you just leave? I'd like to talk to him without any possible arguments." Ella went to say something to Bridget, but just walked away. She felt as though she was losing her best friend and she knows who she had to blame.

"Bridget you have to believe me-" she cut him off, "I do." Is all she said, this left him confused. "Then why do you seem so mad..?" He asked, he hadn't seen this side of her. "I'm mad because it's like the 2 people I care for most right now are just trying to cause conflict for me. I want my castlecoming night to be perfect." Hook felt guilty when she said that, because he didn't know how to stop Uliana. "I'm sorry Ella's being so.. particular I guess." She looked down, "Bridget why do you always trust me? Me being a villain seriously doesn't bother you? Because it certainly bothers somebody." Hook sighed.

"I love Ella. She's the first person who liked me for who I am and accepted me. But she needs to understand that I'm not clueless, I have my own life and I can make my own decisions. If she doesn't like that you're my date then she needs to grow up!" Bridget was talking really fastly and angrily. Hook raised his eyebrows, "is it bad timing to say that I kind of like this side of you?" He smiled, she gave a small smile back, "I don't really. I don't like being angry." She shrugged, "especially when it's somebody I love who's making me angry." Hook nodded, "Well.. thank you. For always trusting me and never judging me. You're the only.. non villain who's accepted me." Hook smiled at her.

Bridget nodded, she was probably upset because she shouted at Ella. "I don't mean to ruin your friendship with Ella." Bridget shook her head, "you're not. It's just she's the overprotective type of friend." She crossed her arms, "it will be fine tomorrow. She's just looking out for me." Bridget looked up at Hook. "She is a good friend." Hook said, "she gave me a mini panic attack earlier though."

Bridget suddenly realised something, "wait you said you've been trying to stop Uliana? So uliana is going to prank me at some point.. and you knew? How long have you known." Hook apologised fo Bridget mentally before speaking, because he was about to lie. He was scared of what Uliana may do to him if he told Bridget the prank. "I only found out yesterday." Which was partly true.. since that was when she told him about the cupcake idea. "And im not sure when she's going to do it.." that was a major lie, she was going to do it in 2 days at castlecoming.

Bridget sighed, "I'll just have to give a peace offering!" She went back to her old positive selfl pretty quickly, "I don't know how long it will take but I want to be civil with her. I know she'll accept me as her friend one day." Bridget smiled. Hook nervously chuckled, "Yeah definitely." Another lie. "I should go.. you seem to be fine again and I need to prepare castelcoming outfits." He walked towards the door. Bridget nodded, "of course, I'm really looking forward to it." She sounded way happier now. "Me too. Glad you feel better princess. See you 7 on Friday, I mean that this time." He laughed, Bridget too as he left.

THIS WAS A LONGERR ONEE.. and also quite angstyy 😪😪 I don't know how many more chapters there will be but I'm planning new books!

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