VI- date to castlecoming?

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Hooks POV:
It was the next morning and Uliana had called him to go to the black lagoon, he kind of regret telling her about the meet-up he had with Bridget because now she is going to pester him for information.

"Finally." Uliana said, rolling her eyes as Hook entered the lair. "I woke up late." He made up an excuse. "Whatever I don't care, I care about what happened last night, speak." She grinned, pointing at him. "Not much." He shrugged.
"Liar." Morgie giggled, "I saw you two, by the gardens. You were holding her hand having a sort of heart to heart." Morgie walked over to him, circling him.

"Why are you lying, Hook? What are you hiding." Uliana was obviously getting angry.
"How do you know he's not lying?" Hook responded staring at Morgie, "I'm being honest she didn't tell me anything useful." Hook was being persistent. "Look Hook, if you don't say I'll make you talk. You can't go on a date with her and just sit in silence, you obviously talked about something." Ulianas tentacles sprouted out as she spoke.

Hook sighed, Uliana decided to use a different technique, "you can't change yourself over a single date Hook, remember who you are. Who you stand with." She placed one of her tentacles on his shoulder while speaking. He snapped back to reality, what was he thinking? Yes, he's a villain. And he stands with the villains. "Okay I'm being really honest though, she didn't say much. Just that she's never been able to make friends. Even in wonderland she was lonely." Hook didn't know what else to add.

"Okay so she's a loser? We can't do anything with that information." Uliana growled. "She didn't say anything else! She just asked about me, it seems like she doesn't like talking about her lack of friends. Probably depresses her, I mean it would with me too if I had none." He chuckled. Morgie slid his head onto hooks shoulder, "so use it against her." He snickered while he spoke. "What?" Hook was annoyed.
"It's simple but we could just break her heart at the night of castlecoming. If friendship is her biggest issue then attack her with that." Uliana groaned, "That's too boring." She sat back in her chair, "I need time to think, LEAVE BOTH OF YOU! Leave me be." She sat back and shooed them away, closing her eyes. Hook just did as told and left, morgie quickly followed.

"How was your date Hookie?" Morgie asked, it was a nickname hook hated but put up with. "It wasn't a date Morgie, it was a casual hangout. Just to get to know each other." Hook said. "I bet she saw it as a date." Morgie added. "Yeah well she's a desperate princess who can't even bribe friendship with cupcakes." Hook angrily declared. "Alright dude." Morgie laughed, "that's not what it looked like last night. You seemed to be fascinated by her." Morgie was being sarcastic but it was aggravating hook.

Hook was fed up, he had 4 days until castlecoming, he had to convince Bridget to stay friends with him until them. Which he knew wouldn't be that hard.

Bridget's POV
"Honestly Ella, he's so opposite to what I thought he was! He listened to me, and stayed when I probably overstepped." Bridget had a giant smile on her face. "How did you overstep?" Ella asked, "well he asked me what has been bothering me all these months so I told him how I'm sad i find it so hard to befriend people and well.. just kept going sort of.. but as I said!! He stayed, so I know he'll be a good friend." She smiled, looking into the mirror.

"Well if you say it went well, then good for you. I still don't believe you should be close to somebody like him though." Ella was always honest, it's what Bridget liked about her though, most of the time. "Stop judging him because of his upbringing! He's a nice guy, he's nice to me." Bridget was scolding ella, "okay look all I'm saying is I wouldn't befriend a guy like him." Ella put her hand up like she was guilty of something. "You wouldn't befriend anybody at the moment anyway, your to busy with charming." Bridget said, trying to hint at something.

Ella just laughed, "I told you I'm not into him." Ella thought Bridget was just being sarcastic, but Bridget was sad that ella was spending less and less time with her and more time with charming. She wants ella to be happy but she doesn't want to be ditched in the process. "So you aren't going to castlecoming with him?" Bridget asked, ella raised an eyebrow, "wait am I being ditched? I thought we were going together." Ella counter asked turning to look at Bridget.

Bridget panicked, "oh no! Yeah totally!! We are going together, I just thought you might want to go with charming, considering how much time you spend with him.." Bridget looked down slightly, ella walked over to Bridget and grabbed her hands, "you are my best friend Bridget, you always will be! I'm going with you it won't change." Ella smiled trying to reassure Bridget, Bridget just smiled and hugged ella.

"I need to go. My stepmother will kill me if I don't get home soon. Bye B!" Ella quickly left, "Bye E." she smiled as Ella left, Bridget just put on her headphones and started listening to the song she was planning on dancing to at castlecoming, although she wasn't in a mood too now.

Her music was loud enough she didn't hear the knocking at her dorm door. So Hook just let himself in, seeming as the door was unlocked. He noticed she was wearing headphones so removed the thought of her ignoring him. He walked over and put his hand on her shoulder, which made her severely jump out of her chair.

"Woah! Hey! It's just me." Hook laughed standing back. Bridget let out a deep breath, "I'm sorry- I didn't hear you." She smiled slightly. "Cute pjamas." Hook pointed at them, "Oh! Uh thanks." She laughed slightly, "can I help you?" She asked. "I was just wondering.." he didn't know how to put it without asking directly, "your plans for castlecoming?" He asked, "well I'm not really sure I have much planned out, I haven't even got an outfit yet." She seemed stressed, but she still had her kind, positive persona on.

"So you're not going with anyone?" He asked, slightly raising an eyebrow, hoping she'd get the hint. Bridget was confused, "well me and ella are going together as friends because nobody would really be interested in going with us." She shrugged, putting her headphones on her desk. Hook looked down, "well that's not true." He remarked. "Well, I hope you enjoy your time with Ella princess, but just know if you ever want a dance I'll be waiting." He kissed her hand before leaving, which was becoming a regular thing with him.

Bridget suddenly realised, "did he just ask me to castelcoming?" She asked herself, "Oh my God Bridget your so stupid! How did I not realise that, UGH." She threw herself onto her bed, "but I did promise Ella, so at least there's that." Bridget reassured herself.

OKAY I'm so excited to write the castelcoming chapters, the angst and drama finna go crazy. I'm not entirely sure how long this book is going to be but I have a clearish story laid out for myself.

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