XI- apology

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Bridget POV:
Bridget felt really bad for losing her temper at Ella, especially because she was the one who told Bridget about the prank. Bridget wasn't sure when Uliana was planning on doing it but what she did know is that she was prepared with a peace offering for when uliana does plan to do it.

Bridget decided to try and find Ella to apologise for her uncalled for actions earlier. She felt really bad, her and Ella never argued and it was because they stuck to a certain character. Bridget was always positive, never angry and finds the good in everyone. Ella is kind and loving to those who are the same to her but shows no kindness to those she believes could harm her or the ones she loved. Bridget saw that Ella stuck to her character, but she didn't.

Ella though that hook was a threat to their friendship and warned her. But Bridget snapped. She got angry, it was new for her.

Bridget saw Ella talking to charming down the end of the hallway, she was nervous to approach her because she wasn't sure if Ella would want to talk to her in the first place. But she knew she had to do this so she made her way towards them. Charming lost his smile when he noticed Bridget walking over, Bridget knew that Ella probably told him about what happened.

"Hey E!" Bridget smiled at her, trying to act as if everything was normal. Ella turned around and looked at Bridget, she just gave a more simple smile back. Bridget didn't really know what to say. "We thought you'd still be with Hook." Charming scoffed, which Ella responded with a slight kick, Bridget saw this.

"Ella I-" Bridget tried to apologise but Ella saw it coming and put her hand up to stop her talking. "If you're about to give that forced apology then don't." Ella slight shook her head looking at Bridget, "It's not forced- I feel really bad about what happened!" Bridget sighed, hugging her own belly.

"Bridget you have nothing to apologise for." Ella laughed slightly, "You were probably in the right for telling me to leave. I would've just shouted at Hook. Which wouldn't of been the best." Ella smiled back at Bridget. "I've never snapped at somebody like that before, and the fact it was you I snapped at.. I don't know I feel." Bridget looked down.

She saw Ella walk closer to her, she grabbed Bridget's hands making her look up. "B, you're my best friend. You could kill somebody and I'd try find a way to defend you." Ella was trying to comfort Bridget, she was used to this by now. Bridget was soft, so she saw this coming.

"That's quite an extreme example." Bridget giggled slightly, which Ella agreed too, "Yeah you're right.. I don't think you're even capable of thinking of murder." Ella shrugged, this made Bridget laugh. "The point is, I'd never be angry with you Bridget. And I'll always be there for you and I'll always forgive you. Just like I know you will for me." Ella leaned forward and hugged Bridget. These words put Bridget's mind at ease as she hugged her best friend back.

"You guys deserve some sort of friendship award." Charming laughed, Bridget let out a high pitched scream. "Woah Woah!" Ella jumped back, "Sorry..!" Bridget looked at charming, "I forgot you were here.." Bridget said as Ella scratched the side of her head from the sudden scream.

"I should probably get home." Ella responded, "Bye B." She smiled waving goodbye to her best friend as she walked away. "Bye!" Bridget was happy she knew she could always rely on Ella.

Hooks POV
He had made his way back to the black lagoon, which is where Uliana had gone after the Ella mishap.

"Hook darling!" She smirked as he entered the monstrous lair. "Tell me you fixed the... issue." She didn't want to spill the blunder to the rest of their villainous crew. Hook just nodded, "I told you Uli, Bridget wouldn't dare try to mess up what me and her have now." He smiled impressed with his own work, Uliana raise her eyebrow at him.

"What you have?" She stood up, her voice stern. Hook nervously chuckled, "Yeah.. you know what I mean. What she thinks we have!" He fixed his mistake. Uliana nodded, "that sounds better." She smirked, "this will be the best revenge this stupid school has ever seen! Better then anything my good for nothing sister could achieve anyway!" Uliana hissed, anger coursing through just thinking about her.

"Ursula could never live up to the name you have made for yourself now!" Morgie snickered, he was lying. Ursula was always going to be more powerful than uliana, she just couldn't accept that.

"Gather!" Uliana shouted, the entire crew surrounding the evil workbench, the place the lagoons spirits lay. "While you all were being useless idiots!" Hook rolled his eyes secretly as she said that, he had been doing the most and nobody appreciated his incredible work. "I managed to get the source of our incredibly wicked scheme." Uliana let out an evil cackle as she revealed the sorcerers cookbook.

"You actually managed to get it past Merlin?" Hades laughed. Which Uliana didn't take lightly, "You underestimate me Hades?" She walked towards him, trying to be intimidating except not much intimidated him I mean he's a literal God.

"I mean.. Merlin is strong, and he enchants those books." Maleficent punched his stomach before he could say anything more stupid which might lead him down the wrong path, that path being in the stomach of a killer eel.

"Hook!" Uliana shouted for him. "Yes Uli?" He asked, showing up behind her. "Can you find the monster recipe in this wonderful book." She threw him the book, uliana wasn't stupid. She knew about the enchantments, Merlin had put a spell on the bad books which could be used to stir up mischief, anybody who intended to use the books for bad intentions would be immediately frozen. So she knew she herself could not open the book, she was not stupid in the fact she knew Hook didn't want to prank Bridget. She was punishing him now. Forcing him to hurt somebody he cared for now.

"Found it." Hook said, Uliana was astonished, she was only like 80% he wouldn't freeze. Now she knows he's fake, and she needs to watch him closely. "Good.." she said, walking towards him not taking her eyes off of him. She was sceptical to take the book, she didn't know if even just looking at it would freeze her. She decided to take the risk and snatched the book off him.

To her luck, she was able to move. It must just be enchanted while opening the book. She couldn't help but smile as she read through the perfect revenge. "Bridget, there's no stopping us now! We will destroy her!!!" She let out her signature wicked laugh, which all of them joined in on, even Hook even though his was forced and fake.

He was worried. The more he waited the closer castlecoming came which mean the closer the prank was. It's almost the end of the day meaning castelcoming was basically a day away. He needed to think quick, or else he will lose Bridget's trust meaning he will lose her..
He can't let that happen. He knows this now, he was inlove.

SO EXCITINGG! THE CONFIRMATION!! Sorry there was no direct Bridget x Hook in this chapter also does anybody actually know their confirmed ship name, I've seen so many idk which one to use 😪

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