Anger breeds hatred

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I have been full of anger for most of my life. When we moved while I was still a child to widen my future partner pool. Having to wear those skin tight suits whenever we went outside and forcing myself to ignore the lustful gazes of the grown men waiting for me to reach puberty. Growing up to desensitize children to arrange mating, and having to see the same now grown children forced to care for their unwanted offspring. These negative emotions each and everyone of the colonists had were festering and mine only grew as I locked them away deep within me like many before had. Whenever I was around Hoper I was reminded of my role as a female on Mars. When I lost her, I began to hate every heart wrenching little cry and infectious giggle that echoed the metallic hallways I called home. When I awoke from cryosleep I was reminded of every dusty night during storm season. I found myself always fighting to catch my breath. Part of me can't stop thinking about Horus and Zahad even as I crawled and climbed my way around these humid tunnels. Anger gnawed at my pounding heart. This wasn't fair but life hadn't been fair for as long as I could remember.

Too terrified to call out in case one of those beasts or some unknown beast found me, I wriggled my way around the labyrinth in silence. The cave was moist with humidity yet the walls themselves were cool. Sometimes the tunnels will end abruptly or will gradually become smaller till I could not squeeze through. It was almost as if the cave itself was in the process of being terraformed but I could not see well enough to tell. The porous walls would allow pockets of light to filter within the dark caves as well as letting the exotic animal calls from outside to seep through.

"I need to think about this, instead of squeezing my way through I need to think of a place that will not only fit Zahad but his brother. An entrance big enough to be able to drag or carry a body through."

The woman pondered and decided to retrace her steps back to the entrance. There she gauged the size of the countless openings embedded in the continent wall. Only a few were tall or wide enough for Zahad to fit through. It wasn't long before she found remnants of a fight. Scorched walls, cave ins, and xenomorphs parts remain charred on the ground. One path in particular was suspiciously clean. While rubble and remains spewed among the uneven floor there was a footpath that cut through the chaos. A trackway that was well walked leaving the middle of the tunnel clean.

There he was, I almost confused him for one of the beasts for his skin was as dark as the night. I remembered he had green patches that looked like iridescent scales but now all the vibrancy was gone leaving behind almost a dull gray. He wasn't pale, just void of all color. His deep dark tones mimic the whole filled rocks surrounding them. Horus' offspring reminded her of a black hole. Though he laid still it was as if he actively sucked all light from the room.


No response.

"You're Asahid, right?" The woman crept closer making sure to stay low to the ground lest she alarmed him. Unbeknownst to her, he was unconscious. Her dirty hands reached out wondering if she should shake him awake or check his pulse.

"Asahid?" She whispered, practicing his name softly, shaking his exposed shoulder. The being still donned all his armor: the strange fishnets, chest, one shoulder armor, and the gray helmet. Along with the strange outfit he was covered with a large pelt with markings she's never seen before. Orange and black lines adorn the fur that covered his torso and left his long legs exposed.

The female hovered over him. Her eyes peered down the tainted glass of his dark gray helm.

"Maybe I should check his pulse" and so she did. Luna was surprised to learn that a Yautja's pulse points were the same as hers. Though she refused to check whether the one in their inner thigh was the same as hers.

The unconscious male was breathing shallowly and his pulse was slow and lethargic to add his skin was freezing but the net like armor he wore was producing heat.

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