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{SEASON 2 EP. 9}
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" delilah yells walking into crystals bedroom, "as you know moon has planned a party at hers for your birthday just like she always does," nicholas says, "of course she has." crystal rolls her eyes playfully, delilah hands crystal a box, "what's this?" crystal asks her confused, "it's your first present," delilah smiles, lexi runs in and sits on crystals bed, crystal opens the present.
it's a gold ring, crystal's favourite type of jewellery, it had a small purple crystal in the middle, "i love it." crystal says and leans over to give delilah a hug, "open this!" lexi says pushing a present in crystals face, she opens it and it's a little purple teddy, "aww thank you lex." crystal says giving lexi a hug, "and last but not least, my present" her father says handing her a box.
it was a silver locket, "i noticed you hadn't been wearing the one robby got you recently so i thought i might get you a new one," her father says, "thank you dad." she smiles widely, "i think robby has your locket at the moment i saw him wearing it yesterday but i forgot to say anything." delilah says, "you saw robby?" crystal asks confused, "yeah he came here to drop your present off." delilah says handing her another small box.
she opens it and inside was a small silver heart ring with a pink hem inside, "it's beautiful." crystal smiles holding it up, "okay.. that's enough presents for now, time to get you dressed for your party." delilah smiles, crystal gets dressed into her party clothes.
crystal and hawk were sitting on one of moons couches when he nudges her in the side, she looks up and sees miyagi-do walking in crystal rolls her eyes and gets up walking outside, "cris!" a voice yells, she turns to see moon, "i forgot to give you your present," moon says and hands crystal a box, she opens it up and there's a sun necklace inside, "it's to match my moon one." moon smiles, crystal gives moon a big hug, "thank you." she says smiling.
miguel and tory walk up to crystal, "hey!" tory says hugging crystal, "i got you a present," tory sings passing her a little jewellery bag, inside was 3 silver bracelets, with stars on, "tory, they're perfect, thank you." crystal hugs tory.
"i got you something aswell." miguel buts in, he hands crystal a box, inside was a silver bracelet with purple gems, "thank you miguel." crystal smiles giving him a hug, miguel hugs her back, "hello cupcake." a voice says, crystal rolls her eyes, "i told you to stop calling me me that." she says pointedly, "yeah whatever," hawk says, miguel and tory walk off leaving the two.
"i got you something, i just forgot to give you it when we were sitting down," he says and hands her a small box, she opens it and inside is a silver bracelet with a purple butterfly, "what's with everyone getting me jewellery today?." crystal jokes, "if you don't like it i can take it back." hawk says, "what?, no no i love it." crystals smiles and hugs him, "thank you.", she pauses for a second, "have you seen luke around?" she asks him as she pulls out of the hug, "your little boyfriend, no i haven't yet sorry."