fifty seven

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CRYSTAL, miguel robby tory aimee and sam walked through the school halls, this moment with her friends made her realise that they've never actually all been to school at the same time without hating eachother

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CRYSTAL, miguel robby tory aimee and sam walked through the school halls, this moment with her friends made her realise that they've never actually all been to school at the same time without hating eachother.

"so do y'all think there's any chance we don't make it in the top 6?" miguel asks, "maybe when hell freezes over." tory replies, "let's hope there's not a tournament category for humility," sam buts in.

"come on, we got two all valley champs, and two runner ups." robby says, "don't forget about aimee." crystal whispers, aimee who heard the girl slaps her on the back of the head, "hey!" crystal laughs.


miguel and crystal sat in chemistry, they were mean to be writing down something about chlorine ions but the two were playing roblox on crystals phone, their teacher had stepped out leaving the two to play dress to impress freely.

eventually they had to turn it off and crystal put her airpods in and miguel put his arm out on the table for crystal to lay on, while she had a nap tired from the night before ;).

lexi had been up most of the night being sick, rosa had offered to look after the sick girl so that crystal could go in today, rosa and carmen had also offered to look after lexi while delilah was away,

(a/n: this has literally nothing to do with the plot - i can just totally see miguel and cris playing dti during lessons)


crystal had decided after a very very long time of thinking, that she'd go and see her mother, the girl knocked at the door to the address that was given to her, "one second!" a voice called out, crystal nervously shifted on her feet, "crystal?" pheobe questions as she opened the door.

"hi, sorry if this is a bad time, i can come back." crystal defends, "no no, it's okay." pheobe smiles, the red head let crystal walk on, the girl nervously sat down at the kitchen table, "are you okay?" pheobe asks, "yeah i just thought maybe it was time i saw you." crystal smiles.

pheobes lips turned upright, "that's lovely, do you want a drink?" pheobe asks, "just some water please." crystal looked around the kitchen and noticed lots of pictures around, crystal stood up and picked up a photo, it had her mother and another man next to her.

pheobe walked to the table, "whose this?" crystal asks, "that's my brother, mike barnes." pheobe says, "i haven't spoken to him in seventeen years though," "oh my god." crystal whispers, the mother and daughter spent hours talking when crystal got a text from miguel telling him to meet her at the dojo.

"i'm so sorry i have to go," crystal apologies, "that's okay" pheobe smiles, crystal hugs her mother before leaving and getting to the dojo.


daniel introduced mike barnes to the dojo, crystal froze at the name, her mothers brother. "we brought in sensei barnes to observe then select our top seven," daniel explains, mike went on about how he wanted to be in the sekai taikai, he explains how the competition is, and what he's going to do.

𝗧𝗲𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 ~ 𝖼𝗈𝖻𝗋𝖺 𝗄𝖺𝗂 ~ miguel díazWhere stories live. Discover now