fifty five

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MIGUEL had spent weeks on his letter for Stanford making crystal sit in his room bored waiting for him to finish, finally he had finished, he wouldn't let her read it until he showed everyone else

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MIGUEL had spent weeks on his letter for Stanford making crystal sit in his room bored waiting for him to finish, finally he had finished, he wouldn't let her read it until he showed everyone else.


miguel reads out his letter for stanford, most people in the room, including robby, had small tears of happiness in their eyes, miguel stopped reading and had a gummy smile, crystal places her hand on his arm and smiles at him.

the family + crystal were talking until a splash fell down from the ceiling, "hey easy with the water works." johnny says, the group looks up and sees the leaky roof, "oh shit." crystal whispers.

the ceiling starts falling through, johnny grabs the computer, while Miguel grabs crystal pulling her away from the now leaked ceiling, "rob the bowls!" miguel yells, pointing into the kitchen.

crystal went over and grabbed some bowls aswell to catch the rest of the water coming out of the pipes, "oh it smells like shit!" johnny exclaims.


"hey, you sure delilah's cool with me staying with you?" miguel asks, crystal had offered for the boy to stay with her while carmen and johnny figure out where they're going to stay now, since miguel had given up his room for robby, "yeah, she's away this week anyway, and she did say that we have to look after lexi, but that's okay, right?" crystal explains.

"yeah sure, as long as she doesn't get into the cutlery draw again." miguel laughs.


miguel and crystal had finished placing some of miguel's clothes in her draws, not like she didn't have enough of his in there anyway, and the two crash on her bed, lexi had fallen asleep 20 minutes ago, so the couple eventually fell asleep aswell.


crystals eyes opened as her nose was filled with the smell of cooking, she got up and walked into the kitchen, she saw miguel standing over the hob, frying pan in hand and he was frying egg and bacon.

"hey baby," miguel smiles, "what is this?" crystal asks with a smile on her face, "i woke up like an hour ago and lexi was hungry so i thought i'd make her some breakfast," he says, flipping the bacon over, crystal watches him with nothing but love in her eyes.

"i also got you some toast since i know you don't like egg," miguel says, crystal walks over to him and kisses him, "thank you." she smiles, "eww, you two are worse than delilah and oli!" lexi grimaces.

crystal laughs and rolls her eyes, "you still cool with going over to carmens?" crystal leans over the counter to look at her sister, lexi nods, "as long as theirs food, and robby's gonna be there." crystal laughs, lexi has grown fond of robby since delilah had him babysit lexi when crystal wasn't free, "robby might be there, but rosa will definitely be." she comforts, lexi smiles, "yay!".

lexi smiles and miguel hands the girl a plate with her bacon and eggs on.


miguel and crystal walk around grabbing brochures for collages, "where do you want to go?" miguel asks her, "anywhere with a drama course," crystal admits, "well wherever you apply to, i'm sure you'll get in." miguel nudges her.

"hey!" demitri calls over, "what's up?" miguel greets, "all of our trials and tribulations of need on have finally come to this, we're the bells of the balls." demitri continues, "is that what we are?" miguel asks, looking at crystal and raising his eyebrows.

"yes my friend, they are fumbling around our dresses, trying to cop a feel of our tantalizing brains." crystal grimaces at his choice of words "as much fun as this conversation would be, i see aimee over there so i'm gonna go." crystal says, miguel sighs at demitri, "i'll see you later?" he asks, crystal nods and places a kiss on his lips before leaving.


crystal got home and robby and lexi where sitting on the floor playing uno, with brave playing in the background, "robby keene watching a disney movie?!" crystal jokes, "hey cris," robby smiles, "chrissy!!" lexi yells and runs up to her sister, "hey lex, you okay?".

"robby's shit at uno." she says, crystals eyebrows raise at her language, "seriously robby?" crystal looks over at her brother, "her words not mine." he defends, "lex, who fought you that word?" crystal asks, lexi doesn't say anything and just points at robby.

"you know delilah's gonna kill me." crystal groans, "robby said that it was funny." lexi says, "oi don't rat me out!" robby yells, lexi just laughs and runs to her room, "i take it you had fun then?" crystal asks, "how does a five year old beat me in uno?" robby groans and leans back.

"thanks for helping with lexi, she does look up to you, you know that?" crystal sits down next to him, robby smiles, "i wasn't really a good brother to you, and i'm really scared that i won't be for carmen and my dads kid, so i'm trying not to be a shit babysitter," robby says, "you were a great brother, and you will be an even better brother for carmen and johnnys kid, and you're a good babysitter."

"thanks cris," robby says, "love you." crystal leans her head on his shoulder, "love you too." he says and wraps his arm around her.


it was almost midnight when miguel got back to the apartment, crystal had fallen asleep on the sofa, lexi had placed a blanket over her and had taken herself to bed, miguel saw crystals black hair sprawled across the sofa, he tried to pull the blanket on her more but she woke up.

"you look like shit." she says, "thanks cris." he replies, she laughs, her eyes dropping since she was still tired, miguel sighed, he placed his hands under her legs and on her back, picking her up bridal style and taking her into her bedroom.

miguel laid her down and got in next to her, she laid her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, creating a safe place for her, he kissed the top of her head and slowly drifted off to sleep.


gonna post all chapters in bulk
- i feel like making a big change to crystals life - like something BIG, but idk if anyone would want it
hint: carmen and johnny.

- ella 💜

𝗧𝗲𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 ~ 𝖼𝗈𝖻𝗋𝖺 𝗄𝖺𝗂 ~ miguel díazWhere stories live. Discover now