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crystal and aimee where standing at the back of the cobra kai dojo, "mr keene, ms lopez you have a visitor." kreese yelled, the entire class turned to kreese, next to him was a younger boy, "do you know this kid?." tory asks robby, aimee looked at the younger boy with a sense of recognition.
"do you know him." crystal asked her friend, "uh, yeah i think so, shawn paynes brother i think." aimee whispered back, "yeah i don't know who that is." crystal replied honestly.
crystal and aimee watched the conversation go down until kreese told kenny to get on the mat, kenny gets on the mat followed by kyler, kyler jumped forward causing kenny to jump back a terrified expression on his face.
the a same thing happened again, this time kenny ran out of the dojo, embarrassed, aimee just looked down embarrassed for kenny, crystal did the exact same thing.
the next day, aimee hadn't showed up for karate, so crystal just stood in the back alone, half way through the session kenny came in, aimee following behind him, "i want another shot." kenny said, kreese looked at the girl behind him, she nodded and walked over to crystal.
"mr park make it quick." kreese told kyler, kenny walked on the mat and stood face to face with kyler, kyler went to kick and kenny jumped back terrified, aimee placed her head down, and shook her head, kenny looked up at the older girl.
everyone but robby, crystal and aimee were laughing, kenny clearly had enough and punched kyler straight in the face, crystal leaned into aimee's shoulder so she didn't laugh out loud, "he hit me when i wasn't looking, that's some bullshit!" kyler argued.
"you're right, he didnt line up, so that won't count as a point," kreese informs, kenny stutters and stares at the older man, "sorry i didn't know the rules."
"that was your one chance," kreese says, kenny sighs and goes to leave the dojo, "where are you going mr payne?." kreese calls out, kreese turns to look at aimee and robby, "take your spot." kenny smiles, and goes to stand next to aimee, earning a high five from her.
crystal smiles at the younger boy, giving him a little nod, kenny's smile widens as he looks at the two older girls.
————————— AUTHORS NOTE:
sorry for the short chapter but i wanted to introduce aimee and kenny's relationship sort off,