fifty eight

997 15 8

CRYSTAL and miguel were training together, crystal was still feeling unwell so she was going a little easier but was still giving it her all, which meant that she still could take on miguel in a fight

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CRYSTAL and miguel were training together, crystal was still feeling unwell so she was going a little easier but was still giving it her all, which meant that she still could take on miguel in a fight.

today in the karate session they were choosing female and male captains, crystal knew it was going to be between her or tory, or tory and sam, she thought she didn't stand a chance against sam.

johnny turned the tennis ball machine into a beer machine, he was throwing empty beer cans into the machine and making the seven dodge the bottles.

crystal did get hit with one causing her to fall into the water, miguel held his hands out for her and helped her back up, "i'm getting too old for this shit." she joked, miguel laughed at her and handed her a towel, luckily for her she passed all the other trainings.


miguel and crystal got home, crystal immediately felt the same feeling of nausea cover her whole body and she ran to the toilet, "you sure you're not coming down with something?" miguel asks her, "lexi cooked me this thing yesterday and it honestly looked like something i threw up." crystal admits.

miguel chuckles and wraps his arm around her kissing her head.


crystal fought sam first for the female captains spot, she lost against sam which mean it was sam and tory next, robby went up against miguel and he won the male captains spot.

tory had shown up during robby and miguel's fight, her eyes were red and her hair was messy, crystal immediately asked tory if she was okay, worried for her friend, "tory?.. you okay?" tory looked at crystal her eyes were tired and empty.

tory didn't say anything but just looked back at the deck, where robby was standing, tory got up and was ready to fight sam, her pose was off and she was distracted by something, crystal noticed the way tory held her body, the way she had empty eyes.

she noticed because it was exactly how she looked when her father died.

the worst thought flew through crystals body as she watched sam and tory fight, if crystal was correct she knew exactly how tory felt, but she didn't know how to help her.

tory fought with nothing but anger, tory grabbed sam and sam's face was pure terror, tory had anger fuelled in her eyes, that's when daniel stopped the fight, by grabbing tory's fist.

daniel and johnny talked while sam and tory got back into their positions johnny and daniel continued to talk until tory yelled something out, confirming crystals thought, "because my mother died!" tory's face was distraught and crystals heart broke for her friend.

crystal wanted nothing more than to run up on the deck and give tory a hug, "Tory. I'm... I'm so sorry for your loss. But we can't continue this fight. This is not the time." daniel says, "Yes, it is. Yes, it is. I have to fight now." tory defends.

"No. Tory. I wanna fight, too, but this is not right." sam speaks up, "Sensei Lawrence, some help here, please." "It's not up to us. If Nichols wants to fight, she should."

"We'll find another way to appoint the captain. Find a way? No. No! You do not understand. None of you understand! My mom would have wanted this. If I don't fight... I have to do this. I have to do this for her. I have to fight." tory yells, "Tory, let's just take a second and..."robby stands on the deck, facing his girlfriend.

"Robby, no." tory calms her voice, "I know what you're feeling, okay? I also know that you're not in the right headspace to decide." amanda comforts, "You don't want me to beat your daughter. No. When push comes to shove, you're gonna choose her over me."

"No, it's not that, Tory." "Hey, we're not taking sides." "You sure about that?" Johnny says, "You want this fight to be over? Fine. It's over." tory yells and gets off the platform, "Tory, where are you going?" robby calls after her, "I'm done!" she yells.

as she walks through the crowd both devon and crystal reach for the blonde, tory threw crystal and devon's hands off her.

robby and sam were appointed as captains, everyone forgot about the moment, but crystals mind stayed on her friend, knowing she shouldn't be alone.


the first thing crystal did when she got home was knock on tory's door, the front door opened with crystals knock and the girl pushed the door open, "tory?!" she calls out, there was no answer, crystal walked into the apartment and tory's clothes were all gone, her brothers clothes were gone and there was almost nothing left in the apartment.

crystal gasped, she pulled out her phone and dialed tory's number, it went straight to voicemail without it ringing for even a second, crystal sighed and left a message for tory, the girl realises that tory may just need some space and she told tory to call her back if she needs to, but for now it's all crystal can do.


the flight to barcelona was long and crystal spent most the time sleeping on miguel's shoulder, other times she was thinking about tory and how the blonde is now completely alone, crystal made sure to leave at least one text for tory, just so that she knows crystal is there for her.


the group entered the sekai taikai arena and lights shone over all of them, they all lined up, and that's when disaster striked, three boys walked up, in black gis, s snake symbol swen onto their backs, they all lined up and the next people to walk out were kim and kreese.

everyone's faces hardened as they stared at the people that have changed their lives for the worse, but whoever came next for their group was a shock to everyone.


crystal leant her head down as tory refused to make any eye contact, a figure emerged from the lights behind tory aswell, she had dark hair and was the same height as tory.

another betrayal on the miyagi do side.


who is it omg?!

- ella 💜

𝗧𝗲𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 ~ 𝖼𝗈𝖻𝗋𝖺 𝗄𝖺𝗂 ~ miguel díazWhere stories live. Discover now