Looking (N/A)

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Nothing ever really happens in Yoyle City.

It's a long tradition that has been followed ever since it was abandoned back in... who knows when, because of... who knows what. And perhaps it was for the best, given all the things that unfolded for its new hapless inhabitants. The Battle for Dream Island had ended, and a chaotic and hectic chapter of their life had gone with it. Before all that nonsense, they were more than happy to frolic in the green fields for the rest of their days, causing all sorts of mayhem and madness and not really caring about the greater workings of the world around them. But then that speaker box fell out of the sky, promised them a prize that was beyond their comprehension and understanding, and their lives have been a blur ever since. It was fun, it was exciting, it was fresh, it was new. It was something everyone was willing to throw their lives into, sacrificing every single part of who they were before just to get a shot of winning... *something*. It was something they were willing to be imprisoned in a metal box for ages and ages for, even as they were rendered into a husk of their former selves. BFDI was just... different. It was unique. It was refreshing. Even just *existing* next to it completely changed the rules of the game.

But like most things in the universe, it had a beginning, and it had an end.

Really, it should've ended when the titular island disappeared under mysterious circumstances; what happened after that was just denial. After the competition had upended the status quo so drastically, they couldn't just... go back to normal. What they had gone through was so insane that reverting back to the past seemed to match that insanity. And so, even without a speaker box to guide (ie. force) them into yet another silly little battle, they decided to start a new season using their wits and knowhow.

But BFDIA could only ever serve as a temporary measure, not a permanent fix. Just like the season preceding it, it too had a beginning and an end. The situation was even worse given the fact that the ones in charge were imperfect recreations of the speaker box at best, and living objects just like them at worst. The Battle for Dream Island was lightning in a bottle; it could've only been orchestrated in such a great fashion by a soulless metal box with absolutely no attachment to any of them. Hosting the show got exhausting, people took charge left and right, usually under less than cordial circumstances, and by the end of the season everyone's feelings on the matter had undergone a complete 180. BFDIA... *sucked*. Everything about it sucked, *everyone* in it sucked, and the sooner they could move on from that, the better. Once the dust had settled, once everyone realized just how much they had changed, how much they had changed for the *worse*, the novelty finally wore off.

But what was the alternative?

They set up shop in Yoyle City, seeing as it was a place that was *somewhat* new and fresh, and has relatively less baggage compared to all the other locales they visited throughout the two seasons. They *did* consider going someplace else, somewhere new; though there were some that were still planning on that, everyone saw it as a *far* too risky venture. Every step you took outside of familiar ground was a chance at death, and the odds weren't in your favor that someone friendly would recover you.

Oh, right.

Gaty hadn't been there for most of the shenanigans, but what she *did* get a taste of similarly drained her of all excitement. She had several chances to join the show, and all of them failed spectacularly. She was stuck in a metal box for many of her years, during which the only exciting thing to happen was her getting a makeover. When she was finally able to escape that torment, which was under similarly uncontrollable circumstances, she was informed that the show was over, that she was all on her own.

Well. That's... nice.

She'd been doing much the same stuff as everyone else had: aimlessly wandering around the city, trying to set up shop, trying to find something else to do, trying to find a reason to keep going. The city was a massive playground that she could do pretty much *anything* in, but everyone knows that the real fun in a playground is had with others. The place was vast, the people were far apart, and those she did encounter weren't all too friendly. The gate's fellow inmates had just about gotten sick of *everyone* they had to share the same square feet with, and there was a whole world of difference between them and those that actually competed in the Battle for Dream Island. That left Gaty, largely, all alone.

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