Chapter 32: The Favor

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Alina remained motionless, struggling to process Sasha's words. She couldn't bring herself to accept that En was gone, unable to believe that she would never again see, touch, or hear the woman she dearly loved.

"Stop it, Sasha! You're not being funny! This isn't something you should joke about!"

Alina's tone was filled with exasperation.

Despite Alina's harsh words, Sasha still couldn't hold back her tears.

"If this is your way of making me stop looking for her, then fine! I won't go after her anymore. Just please tell me she's fine! Sasha, please tell me En is okay, and I won't search for her."

Alina pleaded to the weeping woman.

"I wish I could, Alina. I wish that were the case. I wish this was all a bad dream," Sasha answered, her voice breaking as she recalled everything. . . .

En hadn't told anyone about the constant pain she's been feeling in her head. Though her Nana's homemade remedies had eased the discomfort initially, the condition worsened over time. Shortly after learning about Alina's illness, En visited a neurologist who revealed that she had a swollen blood vessel in her brain. The inflammation had become severe and will lead to a brain aneurysm in a matter of time.

Sasha was the only person En felt she could confide in. She had kept her condition from Alina to prevent adding to her stress.

"Let us help you, En," Sasha insisted.

"I've honestly saved a lot, Sasha, but the doctor said my case is a dead end. If I opt for surgery, there's a high chance I could end up brain dead. They told me to live life as much as possible instead. The surgery won't help," En explained, her voice filled with resignation.

"How about a second opinion? Not all doctors have the same perspective on medical matters," Sasha suggested, trying to offer hope.

"This is the third doctor I've consulted, Sasha, and each one has given me the same exact diagnosis," En replied, her tone heavy with defeat.

Sasha sighed, feeling helpless as she looked at En. The woman's blank expression only deepened Sasha's worry, making the situation feel even more dire.

"I have a favor to ask, Sasha. You're the only person I've confided in about this, so please promise me you'll keep it to yourself, even from Bian," En pleaded.

Sasha, feeling helpless with En's secret, had no choice but to nod in acknowledgment of her request.

"But that's not entirely the favor I need from you," En added.

En explained her plan to donate her heart to Alina if the tests will show it would be compatible. She wanted Sasha to ensure this would happen if the worst comes to pass.

Sasha, stunned by the enormity of En's request, exclaimed, "Are you insane, En?!" Her disbelief was palpable.

"My heart wouldn't be of any use if my brain dies and I stop breathing. So, in a way, I'd like to keep it as close to Alina as possible," En explained.

Sasha, though completely perplexed by En's determination, could understand why En would be willing to offer her heart for Alina's survival, given everything she had endured. Though hesitant, Sasha agreed to fulfill En's request.

En also entrusted Sasha with a key to her safe at the farmhouse. She instructed Sasha to give the letter inside to Alina as soon as she passed, but only if Alina is feeling better already. Though shocked by En's revelation, Sasha never imagined that, just a month after their serious talk, she would have to fulfill the woman's request.

Posy shook uncontrollably in the hospital bed as Bian frantically called the doctor for help. En, who was still at the bank withdrawing her savings for Posy's surgery, has not yet arrived. The doctor informed Sasha that Posy's appendix had burst. If not treated immediately, it could lead to sepsis or even death. Sasha urgently called En to relay the critical information. As En rushed back to the hospital, Sasha heard a loud bang on the other end of the line.

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