fourteen, trip to miyazaki.

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"b-komachi promotional plan #2! let's make an original song!" mem-cho announced

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"b-komachi promotional plan #2! let's make an original song!" mem-cho announced. "so far we managed to get by with the old b-komachi songs, but no matter how you slice it, they are songs from over ten years ago. it won't be popular with kids these days! we need a new song for the tiktok generation!"

she then turns towards miyako, "president! what happened to the song you commissioned!

"about that..."

"oh yeah, you said you were commissioning a song," said kana.

"i wonder who was commissioned to write it," ruby commented.

"i was hoping to surprise you so i haven't said anything," miyako sighs. "for the new b-komachi's original song... i hired himura who did many of the original b-komachi's songs."

"eh! himura!?"

"the guy who used to be a major top artist himself?"

"and as a composer keeps releasing hit songs?"

"he wrote b-komachi's signature song "star☆︎t☆︎rain"!"

all four girls were shocked.

"isn't he a big shot?" kotori questioned.

"way to go, president!" ruby grinned.

kana then noticed aqua's quiet nature, "what's wrong?"

"it's nothing," he then smiled warmly, "i'm glad you guys found a good composer. you should be excited."

both kotori and kana were surprised by his expression. "you seem... somehow different?" kana tilts her head slightly.

"really?" he questions.

kotori nods her head, having a sort of confused expression, "yeah... you seem warmer."

kana smiled, "i like it when you're like this!"

"...i see."

ruby then exclaimed from across the room, her eyes glimmering, "i can't wait to sing it! i can't wait to sing it!"

THEREFORE YOU AND ME, aqua hoshino. (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now