You were reincarnated

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Mariah Carey, was traveling through Mystic Shadow in her carriage when it was ambushed by a group of rough-looking men. They dragged her out and threw her into a dark, damp cellar. Meanwhile, Fernanda, was outside the house about to sit to start knitting, was kidnapped from the estate by a group of masked assailants. She was taken to the same cellar, where she found Mariah Carey. The two women, strangers to each other, were bound and gagged. They were left in the darkness, unsure of their fate.
As they waited, they heard the sound of footsteps and whispers above them. The creaking of the old windmill's blades echoed through the cellar. Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Frederickson, a sinister-looking man, appeared. He removed their gags and introduced himself as their captor.
Mariah Carey demanded to know why she was taken, while Fernanda begged to be released. Frederickson was shocked to see Mariah but he simply smiled, his eyes glinting with malice. "You will soon understand," he said, before leading them out of the cellar and into the depths of the windmill.
As they climbed the creaking stairs Frederickson, the women exchanged fearful glances. What lay ahead, and what did fellow plan to do with them? Frederickson burst into his chamber, his heart racing with a mix of emotions. He rushed to the woman in white, his eyes locking onto hers with a desperate intensity.
"You were reincarnated!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling. "Why didn't you tell me, Mariah? You're out there, living a new life, with the only difference being the color of your eyes!".He grasped her arms, his fingers digging deep. "She is you!" he whispered, his eyes pleading. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have changed everything! I could have saved us, I could have been with her and be happy!!!!"
His voice cracked as he begged, "Why are you torturing me, Mariah? All I ever did was love you! I loved you in every life, in every moment. Why must you punish me so?". The woman in white gazed back at him, her expression unreadable. Frederickson's eyes searched hers, desperate for answers, desperate for redemption.
The woman in white didn't flinch, her gaze steady as she replied, "You didn't love me, Fredickson You loved the idea of being with me, I studied her spirit she is me but not me also, she has her dreams, she interested in having fun, I can't rob her of that, it her chance to find happiness eventually,there is no possiblity thing would have changed if you knew she existed "
Frederickson's face contorted in anguish, his eyes welling up with tears. "No, that's not true! I loved you,  Mariah. I loved you with all my heart why do you think I have been doing all this, the pain of lossing you could only be lessing, by killing them every time, if I could have been with you now I would never cared" Frederickson's grip on her arms tightened, his voice rising in desperation. "No, please, Mariah,  never say that. I never loved you, I swear it."
The woman's eyes seemed to bore into his soul, her voice dripping with sorrow. "You never loved me, Fredrickson "Frederickson's face crumpled, his body shaking with sobs. He released his grip on the woman's arms, his hands falling to his sides like lead weights."Why?" he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Why didn't you give me a chance? Why did you condemn me to this eternal pain?"
The woman's expression remained unyielding, her voice firm but laced with sorrow. "You condemned yourself, Frederickson. Your actions, your choices, they led you down this path." Frederickson's eyes widened, his gaze pleading. "But I loved you! I loved you more than life itself!"
The woman's gaze didn't waver. "You loved the idea of loving me. You loved the power and control that came with forbidden magic. But you never truly loved me, not for who I am, not for what I represented." Frederickson's body slumped, his shoulders sagging under the weight of his own despair. A part of him knew the woman spoke the truth, and it was a truth he couldn't bear to face.
In that moment, he realized that his love had been a lie, a facade to hide his own darkness. And in that moment, he knew he was truly lost forever. I spent century, decades trying to avenged your death, you were killed by those people when you truly loved me, you couldn't have loved a woman it is impossible it isn't logically, you loved me I never hurted you,I only left for magically school did you know what I have done all this while
The woman's expression remained steadfast, her voice unwavering. "You've spent centuries trying to avenge a death that wasn't yours to begin with. You've been consumed by your own darkness, Frederickson. You've hurt countless people, destroyed lives, all in the name of a love that never truly existed."
Frederickson's eyes widened, his face contorted in anguish. "No, that's not true! I loved you, Mariah! I loved you with all my heart!"Frederickson's body shook, his voice cracking. "What have I done? Oh, God, what have I done?"
The woman's voice remained firm, but laced with sorrow. "You've done what you've always done, Frederickson. You've let your darkness consume you. But it's not too late. You can still change. You can still make amends."
As Frederickson's eyes turned cold with anger, the woman's expression remained steadfast, but a hint of sadness crept into her voice. "I'm sorry, Frederickson. I'm sorry that you can't see the truth. I'm sorry that your darkness has consumed you."
With a snarl, Frederickson grabbed the woman, his hands closing around her wrists like vice grips. "You're a evil woman," he spat, his voice venomous. "You betrayed me. You denied me a lifetime of happiness, all for loving the same gender as you?."
The woman's eyes never left his, her gaze piercing through his anger. "I didn't deny you happiness, Frederickson. You denied yourself. With a swift motion, Frederickson raised his hands, and the woman vanished into thin air, consumed by a dark, swirling vortex. The air was left with an eerie silence, punctuated only by Frederickson's ragged breathing.

1537 part 3/3

Frederickson's days at the magical school were filled with wonder and discovery. He delved deep into the mysteries of magic, mastering complex spells and incantations. His professors, wise and experienced magicians, guided him on his journey, recognizing the young man's exceptional talent.
As he honed his skills, Frederickson's thoughts often wandered back to Mariah Carey. He longed to share his newfound knowledge with her, to dazzle her with his magical prowess. He spent hours in the school's library, poring over ancient tomes, seeking inspiration for a grand gesture to win her heart.
Despite his focus on magic, Frederickson couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. He tried to push the feeling aside, attributing it to homesickness and the stress of his studies.
As Frederickson delved deeper into the darker aspects of magic, he became increasingly disillusioned with the mundane spells and incantations taught at the school. He found himself drawn to the forbidden knowledge, the ancient curses, and the secrets that lurked in the shadows.The more he learned, the more he seems less interested in little magic displayed in the school, His professors, once impressed by his talent, began to notice a change in him. He became withdrawn, his eyes taking on a haunted look, his smile fading into a distant memory.
The other students whispered among themselves, sensing the darkness growing within Frederickson. They avoided him, fearing his newfound power and the aura of malevolence that surrounded him. The school's headmaster Master Marcelo, a wise and powerful wizard, summoned Frederickson to his chambers. "Frederickson, my young apprentice," he said, his voice laced with concern, "I sense a darkness growing within you. You are tampering with forces beyond your control. I implore you, do not continue down this path."
Frederickson realised Master Marcelo might he right and decided to stop but little did he know this has become a mere stepping stone on his journey into the abyss. Frederickson tried to heed the headmaster's warning, to turn away from the darkness that had taken hold of him. But it was too late. The forbidden knowledge had already consumed him, its power coursing through his veins like a river of shadow. He tried to focus on his studies, to rediscover the joy of magic that had once driven him, but it was no use. The darkness had become a part of him, a constant presence that lurked in the corners of his mind.
As he struggled to come to terms with his newfound nature, Frederickson began to experience strange and terrifying visions. He saw Mariah, her eyes black as coal, her skin deathly pale. He saw himself, his hands dripping with blood, his eyes aglow with an otherworldly energy. He saw the town of Mystic Shadow, its streets filled with the damned, its skies choked with the smoke of burning souls.

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