Chapter 1

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Camila's POV-

I groaned when I heard the familiar beeping sound echoing through my room. I sat up with another groan and rubbed my eyes, trying to get my vision clear. That's when my mother walked in.

"Mija, why aren't out of bed yet? We have a lot to do today!" she said opening my window, making the light shine down on me and telling me to get ready before walking out.

Today, was the day I dreamed of as a child, I was arriving to College. When I found out I was accepted, I cried of happiness for hours. My parents were so proud that they even threw a party for me. This could be a new start, an amazing adventure.

My lips curved into a smile as my little sister, Sofi ran into my room giggling. "Get up! Come on Camila!" she laughed, throwing herself on the bed making the mattress around her sink. I rolled my eyes playfully and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek, and started my morning routine for my special day.

I walked out of my bedroom, wearing a black skirt and a white shirt. I greeted my family and my best friend, Lucas in the kitchen with a smile, sitting on my chair.

My mother turned around from the stove and looked at me and then her watch, a worried look on her face. "Mija, eat fast. I wanna get you there right on time." she said, giving me a plate of pancakes. After I finished, which took a lot faster than usual, I cleaned up my mess and went up to my bedroom, getting all my suitcases and bags. My father helped me to get them in my car.

I was all ready to go off to college, and I was extremely excited. I had this chest burning feelings at the thought of myself entering college. I looked at my father, giving him a reassuring hug. "I'm going to miss you so much papa," I said, tears almost escaping. The fact that I was going to be away from my loving family wasn't one of the things I was excited about.

"Oh you'll be fine, Mija. Just promise me you're going to study every night and make sure you're doing good in school. Just be safe alright? I'm gonna miss you baby girl, " he sighed, rubbing my cheek gently with his thumb. I nodded and gave him a last tight squeeze and walked over to my sister who was already crying.

I laughed quietly and held her hands. "I'll miss you my butterfly queen. Good luck with asking that kid, Josh out. If he says no, then he's missing out on the most beautiful and caring girl that I know on this massive planet. Remember to call or text, okay?" I said softly to the crying child, my thumbs tracing her jaw line before wiping her tears. My sister and I were very close, she was like my best friend. I loved her and she loved me. It was heart wrenching to see her holding onto my shirt for her dear life.

"Sofi, I'm leaving for college, not dying. Relax. You can text, call, skype me whenever you want, I'll try to talk to you whenever I can alright?" I reassured her with a small chuckle receiving a nod from the now calm child. I gave her a kiss on her temple before standing up to leave with my mother and Lucas, to the University of Florida.

This was really happening.


"Camila, wake up, we're here," Lucas shook me gently causing me to open my eyes. I quickly sat up, looking out the windows excitedly. My eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful old buildings in the campus. I stumbled out of the car and looked around, breathing in the fresh air that only exited in this special place. I made my way to the orientation, it was short, just the way I liked it.

A woman gave me my dorm key as I thanked her. I turned around and walked over to my mother and Lucas, who were carrying my bags.

"It's C34 in E hall," I said, looking around. I found the building and began to walk, Lucas and my mother following right behind. After a few moments, I found my dorm number. My lips quickly changed to a wide smile. I was half scared and half excited to see who was my roommate. I felt the stare on my back and turned around to see my mother fidgeting.

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