Chapter 11

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After Lauren was done parking, I got out of the car. I walked over to her and took her hand. She smiled at me and began to lead me inside the football stadium. As we began to go to benches, she let go of my hand. She looked around and then smiled at me.

"There's Normani, Dinah and Ally," she said, pointing to the group of girls sitting down. "I'll go greet them and you can go get us some food, yeah?" she said, and there was something different in her gesture.

"Of course," I said and then walked to the food concession stand. I ordered some popcorn and two sodas. After I paid, I walked over to the group.

"Oh hey, Camila," Lauren greeted me with a wave. I stood there, confused by her random action.

"Hi Lauren?" I said, my voice shaky for some reason.

"I haven't seen you since the beach, how have you been?" she asked me. I stood there and bit my lip. Was she joking? Is this because of her friends? Because they are watching us? Was she embarrassed of being with me?

"Oh I've been great," I answered, gritting my teeth. "How are you Lauren? Seems like you're the same bitch I met on the first day," I snapped, making Dinah, Normani and Ally stop their side conversation and looked at our direction.

"W-What are you talking about?"

"What Lauren? Are you too scared to tell them that you told me you loved me? Or that I made you come? Or was it all a game? It probably was." I laughed bitterly, leaving everyone quiet. A minute passed, a minute of silence. "What are you waiting for Lauren? Was it a game?" I my voice raised towards the end. Lauren seemed frozen.

"No," she answered me but it seemed uneasy.

"Then why are you doing this to me," my voice cracked as a tear began to roll down my face. Lauren stood up and took the popcorn and sodas out of my hand and set them down on the benches. She then put her hands on my face and looked into my eyes. She kissed me, it wasn't just a normal kiss, it was as if she couldn't think of any possible words that could express her thoughts. I pulled back and stared at her. She then turned to Normani, Dinah and Ally.

"I'm dating Camila," she said and then took my hand and kissed it. The girls sat there confused but moments later, they smiled. I didn't know to feel, I stood there and stared at Lauren.

"You make me crazy," I muttered as I sat down on the bench.

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice quiet. I shrugged and looked down at the floor.

"You make things perfect and then mess them up,"

"I know," she said. I looked up at her green eyes and sighed.

"I love you,"

It took me a moment to respond. "I love you too,"

We spent the rest of the football game quiet, barely talking. When the game was over, I followed Lauren out to her car.

"Camila?" she said as we got to her car.


"I love you," she said as she turned around to face me.

"I know," I said as I stopped to walk.

"Camila, I know I fucking messed up. I mess up everything and I'm trying, I'm trying so hard to make this relationship work. I don't date but with you it's different," she said, her voice cracking. "I'm trying," she said, once again. I stood there, silent. She started to cry, tears streaming down her face. She seemed helpless. I walked over and brought her into arms, she was sobbing.


"Yes?" she asked, looking up at me,

"I love you," I said as if it would solve every flaws that we had in our relationship.


I opened my eyes as my alarm began to go off. I looked over to Lauren, who was not sleeping but instead drawing. I turned off my alarm and then looked over at her.

"Why are you awake?" I mumbled as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I didn't even sleep yet," she said as she set down her pencil on the bed. She was not even really dressed up, just in her panties and a tank top. I yawned before taking a look at her drawing.

It was me.

It was me, sleeping and it was so well done. As she realized I saw her drawing, she quickly flipped to an empty page and sighed nervously.

Someone began to knock the door. I looked over at Dinah's bed, seeing it was empty. I walked over to the door with just my shirt on as Lauren laid down on the bed, hearing a yawn come out from her mouth. Expecting Dinah, I opened the door but instead my mother and little sister were there.

"Mija," my mother mumbled as she looked at me.

"Hi mom,"

"What happened to coming over every weekend? Calling Sofi every night? Did college make you forget that you have a family?" my mother said sadly, leaving me quiet.

"I've been busy mom, I'm so sorry," I sighed as I nervously ran my hand through my hair. My mom walked into the room, Sofi following her.

She stopped walking as she saw Lauren half naked in the bed.

"Mija," she said, her voice shaky.

"Mama, it's not what it seems," I quickly said, walking over.

"What do you mean it's not what it seems? There's a girl in your bed," she said her voice snapping at me.

I looked at her. I was scared.

"This is the reason why you haven't talked to your family? I don't even care that it's a girl and that you have a girlfriend, it's that your little sister, Sofi, remember her? She stays up all night wondering if her big sister is gonna call," she said, making me stand there, feeling worthless.

"I miss my mija, your papa misses his little girl. Sofi misses her big sister. Who are you, Karla? Who are you?" my mother said and sighed loudly before leaving the room with Sofi sobbing. I stood there, and looked at Lauren.

I stood there and she laid there, both speechless. I felt like shit.

"Fuck," I mumbled and sat down on my bed, my head in my hands.

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