Chapter 3

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I groaned, burying my head into my pillow when the alarm clock started blaring making Dinah groan as well. I finally found my will to shut it off and sat up to see Lauren on Dinah's bed with her. I widened my eyes as Lauren slept peacefully with Dinah by her side. Were they something more? Or did Lauren just get too drunk again? I shook my head to get me out of my trance, that was none of my business, and it's not that I cared.

When I was about to leave for class, I heard Lauren's breathing starting to get heavy. I took a step towards her and flinched when Lauren shot her eyes open, her body shooting up forward as she panted.

"Lauren? Are you okay?" I asked as the dark haired beauty glanced at me, her breathing still thick and sharp.

"What time is it?" she breathed, ignoring my question. I glanced over my shoulder to see it was 7:30 in the morning.

"7:30, shouldn't you be ready? You have your punishment," I said, chewing on my bottom lip.

"I feel like shit. I'll just skip my classes for today," she sighed and slumped back on the bed. I could have just left her there and mind my own business, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

"I'll stay with you, yeah? Help you out You look a bit pale," I said and placed my jacket on the rack as Dinah's alarm started to beep loudly, which made Lauren to bolt up again. She wrapped her arms around her torso, rubbing her arms as her eyes darted around the room. I turned it off and Dinah already went into the bathroom to get ready for her day. Not long after, she came out and we exchanged our quick goodbyes before she left, leaving Lauren and I alone.

"Are you okay?" I asked, this was probably the twentieth time.

"If you go away and I'll be better," she hissed. I frowned but I shook it off since she was always like this.

"This is my dorm. So if you want to be alone, how about you leave and go to your dorm?" I kinked an eyebrow and earned a glare from Lauren.

"Fine. But just don't ask me that goddamn question again." she spat and closed her eyes before I could even respond. I sat on my bed and watched her fall asleep until my phone buzzed. It was a text message from Lucas.

L: miss you already babe, call me when you're done with class. I love you xx

I stared at the message. It felt weird, him calling me babe and telling me he loved me when I had no feelings for him at all, he didn't make me feel excited. He didn't make me feel alive. I shouldn't have said that he was my boyfriend in front of Lauren, why did I? I had no idea, something in me just did. And I felt bad for Lucas because this meant I was using him for my personal reasons.

L: miss you too, had to skip classes due to feeling sick, call you later though xoxo

I sighed and put my phone down. I reached for a book, my favorite one in fact, The Outsiders, and continued from where I left off. I was lost in the book until I heard Lauren groaning, who had woken up and looked better than she did this morning. She ran her hand through her long dark locks as she stared into space. She bit her bottom lip, the one that almost made me lose myself yesterday.

"Why the hell are you still here? Aren't you worried about missing your classes, princess?" she muttered, glaring at me while she stood up.

"I'm already ahead of every class," my voice cracked.

She scoffed. "Of course you are, princess," she said and let out a small laugh.

"Respect me or get out," I snapped and she glared at me, her green eyes piercing through my brown ones. It felt like she had daggers in her eyes, making me almost choke on my spit.

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