Chapter 12

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I walked into my dorm room, finding Lauren in the same spot I had left her in the morning; in the corner of my bed. She was in her panties and tank top and her sketchbook. But to my surprise, I caught a glimpse of Dinah in the other side of the room.

"Hey," I said as I set down my backpack on the floor and then smiled at the both of them. Lauren shot me back a big smile back but Dinah quickly averted her eyes to the floor.

"I was just leaving," Dinah murmured as she got her bag, taking fast steps towards the door.

I shrugged. "Oh, alright then. See ya,"

"Yeah, see you later,"

Then she was gone.

I looked over at Lauren with my brows furrowed. "Is something wrong? Did you two fight?" I asked and plopped down on the bed next to her.

"No, she was just a bad mood. I don't know why," Lauren shrugged and continued to doodle on her sketchbook. For some reason, this didn't feel right. But I ignored it and laid down next to Lauren and looked at her sketch book. It was a drawing of a busy street.

"It's of Paris," she explained to me. "It's where I want to live," she said as a smile tugged on her lips, such passion in her voice.

"I always wanted to live in London but I suppose Paris will work," I chuckled and rested my head on her shoulder. Lauren giggled at what I meant and I felt her soft lips against my cheek.


"Yes baby girl?"

"Do you want to come with me this weekend to see my family?" I asked nervously. I needed to fix the bad impression she left on my family, not that she meant to. But I was eager to make things work, with her.

"Of course, Camz," she nodded softly as I watched her hand swiftly add shadows on her sketch.

Everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna just fall into its places. I hope.


"Lauren?" I called out, peering past the bathroom door frame. And there she was, sitting on my bed with her luggage by her in a neat outfit. I would say she looked breath taking, but she always does.

"Are you ready?"

"All ready to go, Camz."

"Alright, I'll be out in second." I said and quickly went back to brushing my hair.

Today was saturday, meaning Lauren and I were going to go and spend the weekend with my family. Of course it made me nervous as hell due to what happened with my mom when she came to visit. The image of her surprised, yet sad face was still vivid in my mind. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, looking into the mirror. I took a deep breath and walked out.

"You look like you're going to church," she told me with a small chuckle.

"Good," I said, putting my hands on my hip and rolled my eyes playfully. She stood up and walked towards me, stopping when our bodies were only fee inches away.

"Reminds me of when I first met you," she said, her voice gentle and soft. She places her hand on my cheek. "It reminds me of that outfit when I first straddled you at the party," her soft smile soon turned into a teasing smirk as she laughed at my now reddened face. She laughed as her hand trailed down to my thighs from my waist, leaving my skin tingly. I took a step back when she nipped at my exposed skin as her other hand prodded my inner thigh.

"Okay Lauren, it's time to go see my parents, not get horny," I told her causing her to laugh and step back a little. Oh, how I loved her laugh. Her laugh made it feel like everything in the world was fine.

Broken Pieces { Camren }Where stories live. Discover now